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How the mother treated the baby’s eczema will leave terribly dirty sheets.

How the mother treated the baby’s eczema will leave terribly dirty sheets.
How the mother treated the baby’s eczema will leave terribly dirty sheets.


Today, her boy is no longer facing severe rash pain.

Bristol’s mom talks about the horrifying experience she faced at 16 weeks of age eczema It got worse enough to leave dirt on the sheet.The· Skin condition Affecting the boy’s cheeks, the red upset ended up being much worse than she had imagined.

At first, Rebecca Hughes tried to soothe baby Leo with healing cream and scratch mittens before going to bed, but nothing worked. Despite the precautions she takes, most morning she gets fresh on his face from the blood covering his bed sheets and where he rubbed his face to itchy dry skin. I found a cut.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, Unusual condition Known for creating patches for red and itchy skin. Leo’s severity is rare, but the disease itself is very common in children and can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is chronic and people who suffer are aware that they are treating regular relapses. In some cases, it may be accompanied by asthma and hay fever. No cure is known, Mayo Clinic It is advisable to avoid harsh soaps, moisturize the skin regularly and apply medicated creams and ointments regularly.

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Unfortunately for Rebecca, she did it but it didn’t help. The 32-year-old says she couldn’t take Leo to the doctor because of the coronavirus blockade. The telephone discussion with her general practitioner was only a misdiagnosis as they believed that the boy had impetigo and a toothy rash.

Along with her son’s father, Ashley Shakespeare, the pair was told to use heavy drugs containing hydrogen peroxide for treatment. This particular chemical is classified as a non-chlorine bleach, but is commonly used for disinfecting tools, bleaching hair, and cleaning surfaces. It may be tight on the baby’s skin, which is a result that parents saw almost immediately.

“He’s in his room in the crib, but he wakes up every few hours, scratching his face with his hands and rubbing his sheets,” said the suffering mother. mirror..

The answer was social media. In August, Rebecca sought advice from her fellow mother. At that time, the answer became clear. After contacting Facebook’s “Mum Tribe” group, she was told to use a cream called Epaderm for about $ 4. Creams made by dermatologists to treat dry skin, eczema and psoriasis are suitable for all ages.

It took two weeks for baby Leo’s skin to be “quite” clean. After a month, it almost completely disappeared. This nightmare scenario for a new mom during a pandemic is finally over. Today, her boy is no longer facing severe rash pain. For her mother, who had no other place to turn, she found her help in a tribe waiting to guide her in the right direction.

“For other parents and those with eczema, continue your efforts for help. If you do not agree, do not accept the diagnosis.”

Next: How Pregnancy Raises Your Body Temperature (and How to Control It)

Source: mirror, Mayo Clinic

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