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A doctor who tested the Covid-19 vaccine with 1000 volunteers finally gets his shot

A doctor who tested the Covid-19 vaccine with 1000 volunteers finally gets his shot


“I work in Petri dishes every day,” said Bradley, a physician in Savannah, Georgia, who treated more than 100 coronavirus patients. “I am in great danger.”

Bradley pays close attention to his personal life, as his work is endangering him. He hasn’t set foot in restaurants, went to the gym, or traveled since March.To make matters worse, he I became a grandfather during a pandemic and couldn’t hold my first two grandchildren born in April and July.

On July 27, Bradley’s team made history when they administered the first shot in the first phase 3 clinical trial of a coronavirus vaccine in the United States.

The patient was Dawn Baker, a CNN-affiliated WTOC newscaster.

“He’s a really remarkable person,” Baker said. “I couldn’t find a more compassionate doctor.”

Bradley’s team enrolled more than 1,000 volunteers in clinical trials of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax coronavirus vaccines, but Bradley himself had never obtained the coronavirus vaccine.

It all changed on Wednesday when it was finally time for him to roll up his sleeves and get the Pfizer vaccine, just days after it received an emergency use authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration.

“All this time, later all this hard work, I got it,” Braedery said.

Amazing text from “Physician Companion”

On the eve of the vaccination, Bradley received an amazing text from some of his “companies of doctors.”

They wanted to know if he was confident he wanted the vaccine. They suggested that he should probably wait for others to take it to see how they did.

His answer was clear.

“No, I don’t want to wait. I don’t want to wait. Every day is an opportunity to catch Covid and die basically. No, I don’t want to wait,” Bradley said.

Over the years, Bradley has become accustomed to answering questions from patients who dislike vaccines, but not from “highly educated and practicing doctors.”

“This phobia or hesitation, it’s not limited to ignorant, non-medical people,” he said.

“Are you worried that (the vaccine) will change my DNA, or if you can’t remove the chip? No, it’s not,” he said.

Covid-19 vaccine is not safe and other myths

The Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus vaccines are the only vaccines to date that have received an emergency use authorization from the FDA and use the same scientific approach to activate the immune system. In their clinical trials, tens of thousands of participants received the company’s vaccine and had no serious side effects.

However, some people are worried about the unknown long-term consequences of the shot, as those participants were tracked for months instead of years.

Bradley admits to the lack of long-term data, but jumped at the opportunity to get the vaccine for two reasons.

First, historically vaccines have not had long-term safety issues. When people react badly, it’s usually just after they’re shot.

Second, whatever the risks that the coronavirus vaccine could pose, he said the risks that could occur if he caught Covid-19 far outweighed the risks (very, wildly). I am.

He is known as the people who died in Covid-19. He has seen others survive after months of suffering in the intensive care unit.

Some of them have not yet fully recovered after a few months.

“So I keep telling people,’I don’t want this.’ Even if I get over it, there are all sorts of things, such as brain fog and blood clots. There is one poor man, 45 years old, in the coronary artery. Is clogged and requires bypass surgery, “says Bradley. “I’m scared over there”

So the decision to get vaccinated was easy.

“I think it’s very easy. I really do,” he said.

important day

At 6 am on Wednesday, Bradley arrived at St. Joseph / Candler Hospital and shot Covid-19.

He brought a very special person. His daughter, Dr. Brooke Harpan, is the mother of one of his grandchildren who has never hugged him.

His daughter joined his medical practice a few months ago, just as the Covid-19 infection rate began to skyrocket.

The decision was easy for her too.

“I couldn’t get any more excited about being vaccinated,” Halpan said. “We are already at risk every day with our patients, and now I’m a little easier to go to work and no longer bring the virus back to my family.”

A single dose of coronavirus vaccine may not be enough

Thirty minutes later, the father and daughter were vaccinated.

Both were overjoyed.

“It’s just profound. It’s very simple, but it’s profound,” he said. “This is hope to return to normal.”

Baker said he was relieved when he learned the good news that the doctor had been vaccinated.

“It’s just a relief to me to be able to protect him because he works every day and takes care of us all,” Baker said. “I am very happy with him and all the healthcare professionals who are prioritized.”

“Real hero”

Now that Bradley has been vaccinated, he said he is “enjoying the benefits” of a “real hero.” Thousands of clinical trial volunteers who volunteered to test the two vaccines were found to be about 95% effective.

“I always told them they were heroes, but now they look like geniuses,” he said.

With as much hope as he feels, as the virus has exploded nationwide, he says returning to normal will still require more work.

“I call it the plague-it’s a pandemic-but it’s a dung pesto from the Bible,” he said. “It affects all of us, and we need to beat this together.”

But to do that, Americans need to trust the vaccine, And Bradley is worried that “crazy politics” has already disseminated serious mistrust.

“Getting most people vaccinated with this vaccine will still be a challenge,” he said.

He said he hopes that without vaccines, people will continue to understand that thousands of people die every day in the United States, as they do now.

“It’s only a matter of time before each of us literally gets it, but except now, there’s finally a solution,” he said.

Approximately a month after the vaccine is fully effective, Bradley plans to book a restaurant he has avoided since March. He will be able to enter the doctor’s office without fear of being infected with the virus and dying.

And he will be able to do what he missed most.

“I will be able to hug (my) grandchildren,” he said. “Be like a normal, real person again.”


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