COVIDSafe Herald update hits app store, researchers point out uncensored regression
When Sydney’s Northern Beaches returned to the blockade of the coronavirus cluster over the weekend, the Australian government again told its citizens its so-called Digital sunscreen..
Last month, the government launched an app Excellent performance record Thanks for using an updated Bluetooth protocol called Herald.
“This protocol provides excellent performance in all encounter logs under all phone conditions and continues to work on over 96% of Apple and Android phones,” said Health Minister Greg Hunt and Government Services Minister Stuart Robert. I mentioned at that time.
The same duo is back over the weekend as Herald’s update hit the Apple and Google app stores.
“Recent cases of COVID-19 in our community clearly remind us that the pandemic isn’t over, and Australians need to be vigilant and COVIDSafe,” Hunt said. I am.
“New South Wales contact tracers use the COVIDSafe app as one of the tools to find close contacts during the current Northern Beaches outbreak.
“Our public health authorities’ contact tracing team is world-leading and ready to manage all possible cases, but to ensure protection for you and your family. The best way to do this is to remember to take proper hygiene, physical distance and testing. If you need to download, register or update the COVIDSafe app, isolate it. “
Must read: Living with COVID-19 creates a privacy dilemma for all of us.
During the update of the Northern Beach Cluster on Friday Digital venue check-in system It was said that the contact tracer was helping to track the outbreak. NSW personnel do not mention the COVIDSafe app.
The new release prompted Jim Mussared-who has Point out technical problems Using COVIDSafe from the beginning-state that the Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) is not responding to the concerns raised before the update was pushed.
“So far, we’ve reintroduced a lot of old bugs and some new ones, and we hope we can fix them before the app store freezes,” he says. I have written on Monday.
“Our analysis found several reasons why Herald’s changes were inefficient compared to the’COVIDSafe Classic’. The DTA refused to respond to a request for evidence of the allegation.
For apps that cost millions to create and create A $ 7 Million Shy To promote it, Musaredo believes that the government was nothing more than demanding free labor.
“They even tried to ask some of us personally for free help on another issue (no apparently ironic feeling). We (in great detail, including code snippets). I provided it, but they still couldn’t fix the bug. “
“I raised another serious security issue last night, but so far no one has responded to security personnel.”
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