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Doctors in the Kingston area banned together to challenge MPP Hillier’s COVID-19 claim-Kingston


Kingston area doctor Letter to MPP Randy Hiller Disagree with his COVID-19 claim.

Dr. Janet Dietrich, a doctor in Sydenham, Ontario, said he sent an open letter to Hiller on Friday, months after she called it a “COVID-19 false alarm” that could endanger horseback riding.

“I can’t dispute this false information,” Dr. Dietrich said in a zoom on Sunday morning.

She states that Hillier, who continues to use social media and websites to disseminate “misinformation,” could lead to members who violate public health guidelines, following his example. I will.

“It’s very worrisome because it confuses people to see him presenting what looks like science (information). If not, he may question true scientific experts. No, “Dietrich said.

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In her practice, many patients are concerned about Hillier’s COVID-19 rhetoric, but “a handful” agree with Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston’s politician’s position on COVID-19. She says.

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MPP Randy Hiller was charged after hosting an anti-COVID-19 blockade rally

In her letter, she wrote: “As a doctor living and working in the area, I must express my disappointment with my recent attendance at a rally protesting the use of public health measures in the fight against COVID-19.”

Dietrich also refers to a video produced by Hillier and asks about the severity of COVID-19.

“COVID-19, a disease caused by SARS-CoV2, means it’s not as bad as a common cold.” Why so many people have such a fear, for something Are you taking such precautions against viruses, coronaviruses, which are more like common colds than they are. You say that the lethality from infection is “very similar to influenza.” I have. (Hillier, 2020). “

She says the article posted by Hillier explaining that the coronavirus is mild and can cause common colds is not true.

“Some of them are deadly, such as SARS and MERS. The article states that” in December 2019, another virus joined these dangerous cousins. ” Scientists call it SARS-CoV2 (Hesman Saey, 2020). However, you label this article as “a cold may be a coronavirus”, which does not reflect that at all. “

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Dietrich gives some other examples of what she believes Hillier is wrong. The full letter can be found here: Letter to MPP Hillier

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No ticket was issued to “challenge” the COVID-19 rally restrictions at a Hillier-sponsored rally

Near the end of her letter, she writes, “You abuse scientific references to make your stance appear scientific.”

“I urge the general public to ignore you and pay attention to the advice of trained medical professionals. Close social distances, wear masks and keep everyone safe. “

Dietrich says that as of Sunday afternoon, about 100 doctors supported the letter to Hillier.

Global News tried to contact Hillier about the letter, but did not receive a response by the time it was published.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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