Taking a vacation to take care of the children while the new mom is worried about returning to work
New mothers reveal their greatest concerns about returning to work, such as having to take a vacation to care for a sick child, the cost of care, and colleagues looking at them differently. I made it.
Other concerns include dealing with company changes after an average of 10 months and dealing with the physical consequences of becoming a mother at work.
But being able to earn again, having “adult” conversations, and returning to life before the baby was a positive thing that came from rejoining the workforce.
In a poll of 1,000 mothers who returned to work after giving birth, 31% found it more difficult than expected.
As a result, new mothers take nearly six months to readjust after returning to work, and nearly a quarter say their workplace is “totally different.”
Just under one in five felt that their bosses and colleagues did not understand what they had experienced, both mentally and physically.
And one in seven felt favored by male and female colleagues when they learned to balance work and childcare.
A study by incontinence product brand TENA also found that one in five women wept just days after returning to work.
TENA’s Lisa Myers said: “Returning to work after childbirth can be a major adjustment for many women.
“No matter how much you loved your job or how good you were before your baby was born, no matter how long or short your maternity leave was, your life changed.
“Your priorities are different, and trying to balance childcare and parental responsibilities with work can make you feel isolated and no one understands, especially if your boss or co-workers don’t have their own children. Is so.
“This is also exacerbated by the physical and psychological consequences of having a baby, many of which can affect women months and even years later.
“When mothers are accustomed to returning to work after a few months, problems such as postnatal incontinence can make returning to work even more difficult when confidence levels may already be low. . Talk, especially because of taboo. “
Broadcaster Anna White House, also known as Mother Pucca, comedian Athena Kugubrene talks about their experiences and the challenges of working as a mother in a video.
According to the survey, 27% of new mothers felt excited about the possibility of returning to work, but 52% were worried and 37% were afraid of it.
And 14% were worried that this meant that the effects of medical problems posed by pregnancy and childbirth would make them appear unprofessional.
As a result, of the 29% who suffered from the long-term sequelae of having a baby, such as postpartum incontinence and postpartum depression, only 22% were completely open to colleagues and bosses.
According to a survey conducted through OnePoll, 53% did so because of embarrassment, and 55% didn’t want others to think they weren’t fit for work.
A quarter of those suffering from the long-term physical or psychological consequences of pregnancy and childbirth say it affected their careers, and 32% also said that they had a colleague or as a result of their problems. I felt like my boss treated them differently.
Lisa Myers of TENA said: “The working environment has changed significantly in recent months, especially for office-based people.
“And many believe that the rise of telecommuting will benefit mothers returning from maternity leave, especially if they are also working on the physical or psychological consequences of having a baby. That’s right.”
For more information on mothers returning to work after having a baby, including advice from Mother Pucca and Athena Kugubrene
Top 20 worries about getting back to work
1. Leave your baby / child to another person (54%)
2. Childcare juggling (48%)
3. Go back to work and know the role (41%)
4. Payment for childcare (38%)
5. Need to be more organized (38%) to get all the morning work / nursery / school ready
6. Must take a break from work when the baby / child is ill (37%)
7. Deal with changes that happened in your work / company while you were away (33%)
8. Return to the team when your life changes significantly (29%)
9. Colleagues who do not understand the pressure of having children (23 percent)
10. Can’t work late / can’t come early when anyone else does (23%)
11. Can’t socialize as much as others (16 percent)
12. I miss my baby so I cry (15%)
13. Dealing with the physical effects of having a child (13 percent)
14. Boring colleagues in baby talk (11 percent)
15. Colleagues look at you from a different perspective (10 percent)
16. After taking some time, I don’t understand the joke (8%)
17. Arrival at work due to fingerprint / food / clothing illness (6%)
18. Childminder / Nursery is reprimanded for constantly calling to check the baby (6 percent)
19. Incorrectly use childish words in meetings (4%)
20. Pull a child’s toy out of the bag at a meeting (3 percent)
Top 10 things my mother was looking forward to getting back to work
1. Make money (62%)
2. Have an adult conversation (43%)
3. Take time for yourself (38%)
4. Feel like “you” again (37%)
5. Use the brain again (36%)
6. Live a life away from becoming a mother (33 percent)
7. A little back to normal from the baby’s previous life (33 percent)
8. Return with team / colleagues (32%)
9. Re-have routines that are not centered around feeding and changing diapers (26 percent)
10. Water cooler gossip (9%)
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