Virus-tired Americans don’t celebrate much this year
Washington — Maureen Brennan spends Christmas with her daughter in Nashua, New Hampshire, after declining invitations from other relatives.Michael Smith marks only a holiday in Elko, Nevada and doesn’t want to risk getting a coronavirus before him You can get vaccinated.
Neither feels overly congratulating this holiday season, reflecting the mood of many Americans as a year hurt by the national health crisis.According to a survey from Associated Press-National Pollster Center NORC We also find that some Americans are a little sadder, lonely, and less grateful than last year.
Smith, 69, said he usually spends Christmas alone, but the pandemic was especially difficult because he likes to go to local coffee shops often and chat with friends and neighbors. .. The Caribbean cruise he is looking forward to every year was scheduled to depart on January 3, but was cancelled.
As a result, he was hospitalized for a month with pneumonia five years ago, so he was mostly at home and was afraid of what would happen if he was infected with the virus.
“We emphasize that you can’t get in a car and go somewhere,” said Smith, who fills the time by putting tractors on putters and doing chores around the house.
Only 22% of Americans say they are very or very celebrating this year, up from 49% a year ago. Those who feel congratulations tend to be the ones who are least worried about the virus.
Dr. Kalestan Könen, a professor of psychoepidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, says holidays are always a stressful time. “But because this has been going on for so long, people really feel really, really exhausted,” he said. “Some people are financially distressed and lack stimulus checks.”
The pandemic, which puts the healthcare system at stake, unemployed millions and killed more than 310,000 in the United States, has long cast a shadow. Damaged the mental health of Americans..
About 4 out of 10 Americans I’m still terribly worried At least three-quarters are concerned, at least to some extent, that they or their families will be infected.The· Coronavirus vaccine ended the year with little hopeHowever, polls have shown that only about half of Americans are ready to be vaccinated immediately, and the rest are unknown or indifferent. The poll was conducted shortly before the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was approved for emergency use.
Overall, half of Americans say they’re at least a little lonely this holiday season, up from 41% last year. Compared to 44% last year, 52% say they are at least a little sad.
Adults under the age of 30 tend to feel much more sad and lonely than adults older than 30. This year I feel these feelings more than last year.
Können said it was time Young adults usually start an independent life.. However, graduation ceremonies can now be canceled, people can be forced to live with their families, and the economic downturn can make it difficult to get a job.
For those who live alone, “it’s really hard right now because I’m literally always alone,” she said.
Brennan, 76, said he was lucky to be dating an adult daughter and wasn’t too worried about the virus until the number of infections and deaths began to increase in the last few weeks. She and her daughter carefully wear masks and patronize the same store to minimize potential exposure.
“But when the numbers started to rise again … especially when I saw what was happening around (town) due to lack of rigor and lack of masking, I could feel a premonition.” Said retired healthcare worker Brennan, she said she was hoarding baked goods and other favorites to survive the holidays at home.
Brennan and Smith, whose husbands died five years ago, said they were happy to help others, rather than sticking to what they couldn’t do.
“It’s important to take care of those who absolutely need it and those who need it only temporarily,” said Brennan, who donated to Nashua’s soup kitchens and orphanages.
Smith said he helped several families, including a frequent coffee shop server, who were struggling due to wage drops during the pandemic. Coming in January, he will donate to a local food bank.
Still, only 37% of Americans find it particularly generous, compared to 52% last year.
Americans are also unlikely to say they are very grateful, but the majority of 60% has fallen from 73% a year ago.
Last year, he said he was grateful to a similar majority across ages and races. Currently, older Americans and black Americans tend to say so. Mr. Könen said it could reflect their experience.
“Maybe they are grateful that they are still here, and maybe a longer lifespan gives one perspective,” Könen said. “We know that gratitude improves resilience and mental health.”
Focusing on gratitude can help reduce anxiety so that you can find ways to help others, Kennen said. “So many people felt helpless … but I think people will feel better if they can do something,” she said.
Brennan said he chose to focus on positive things, keep up with what’s happening in the community, and stay in touch even if his friends can’t visit.
“Most of it is attitude,” she said. “It has to be very realistic about this, but it’s not easy.”
And now that the coronavirus vaccine has been approved, Smith feels more hopeful.
“Most of us are looking forward to being vaccinated (when),” he said. “Then we should come back to life.”
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