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Stanford medicine I apologized Almost all residents and fellows were excluded after protesters blew up a vaccine distribution program on Twitter on Friday, many treating patients with COVID-19. However, some say that this mistake indicates that the population needs better representation and advocacy.
Only seven of Stanford University’s more than 1,300 residents were initially selected for vaccination, but many workers who do not have direct contact with sick patients are part of the first 5,000 vaccinations. I received it. according to To New York Times ,
Residents of Stanford San Francisco Chronicle videoThe protests were organized by residents, but said they and others were also fighting back for fellow and nurses excluded from the list.
“It’s not just residents. All the people shown here are residents because we were nearby and could easily collect all the programs,” he said. The therapist was also overlooked.
“Inhabitants can also die”
Protesters put up signs such as “lack of priority,” “help help patients,” “forgotten at the forefront,” and “residents can die.”
According to NPR, The Chief Resident’s Council sent a letter to Stanford leaders Thursday night expressing anger at the allocation plan.
On Friday, Stanford University deans and executives sent an apology email to staff. “I am writing to acknowledge the serious concerns expressed by the community regarding the development and implementation of the vaccine distribution plan. We take full responsibility and deeply apologize to everyone. Errors with unexpected results. We recognize that we should have acted faster to deal with the situation. “
“We are working quickly to address the flaws in the plan and develop a revised version.”
Stanford by issue time Medscape Medical News’ Questions about what the revised plan will look like.
The apology said the next vial shipment they expected to arrive this week would give more people access to the vaccine.
Dr. Carrie Rasbach, MD, director of the Stanford University Pediatrics Training Program, said others have been strengthening in the meantime.
“Peds department chairs, department heads, associate chairs, educators, and other high-risk people have offered to wait until all clinically faced house staff are vaccinated.” She said. I have written On Twitter.
Need better expression
New York TimesObtained a copy of the notes on the selection process, the flawed plan was designed by researchers and ethicists, and the goal is to use algorithms for hospital staff who are at highest risk of being infected with the virus. And reported that it was to assign a risk score. Serious illness using factors such as age, job description, and the number of COVID-19 cases detected in the person’s department.
Residents, usually young and working in many departments, have moved down the list.
TheĀ· Times Hospital managers reported that they were supposed to see the list generated by the algorithm, but the memo did not occur due to the rapid generation of the list and the enthusiastic communication between the overwhelmed managers. I made it clear.
Janice Orlowski, MD, Chief Healthcare Officer of the American Medical College Association Medscape Medical News Stanford’s glitches weren’t what they expected when AAMC sent guidance to medical institutions a week before the Pfizer vaccine went on sale.
She said medical students thought that the organization, not the inhabitants, was a group that the organization had to advocate for early vaccination. She and others expected the population to be recognized as an essential frontline worker and to prioritize vaccines.
“Medical students such as residents and doctors are considered essential workers if they participate in clinical rotation and should be vaccinated like any other individual in the cohort. “It was,” said Orlowski.
She said she had never heard of similar issues regarding the deployment of vaccines at other institutions, and that the Stanford University issue seemed to be an “unfortunate” event.
A fourth-year doctor of medicine, Maximilian Cruz, who lives in Ohio, Medscape Medical News He did not think that the omission of residents from the initial vaccination stage at Stanford University was intentional, but said it reflected a larger problem, the “lack of residents’ representatives.” ..
“For the same reason that residents across the country are enjoying mediocre benefits at best. 401K matching is a dream for most people. Miserable maternity leave and non-existent maternity leave, inflation. This includes a significant stagnation of wages since the adjusted 1960s.
“I believe that Stanford University residents’ protests were justified in a way that ensured continuous safe patient care and helped bring about a swift response by leadership,” said the National Medped Residents Association. Said Cruz, the current chairman of the. He emphasized that he was the only view on the matter.
Cruz pointed out the myriad inequality in healthcare that the pandemic highlighted.
“The lack of representation and power that residents have in determining workplaces that directly affect them can be added to the list,” he said.
Marcia Frellick is a freelance journalist based in Chicago. She has previously contributed to Chicago Tribune, Science News, Nurse.com and was the editor of Chicago Sun-Times, Cincinnati Enquirer, and St. Cloud (Minnesota) Times. Follow her on Twitter. @mfrellick