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How a ventilator helps COVID-19 patients


PHOENIX — Patients fighting COVID-19 need a ventilator. Not every patient needs one, but those who need it can’t live without it.

So, ventilators are at the top of the list of needed medical supplies at Arizona hospitals. State leaders are also top items in securing a newly reopened St. Luke’s Medical Center to prepare for the surge of incidents.

“We need a ventilator, and if you don’t have one, you won’t always be able to survive,” M.D. Says Natalie Strand.

As a doctor at the Valley Mayo Clinic, Dr. Strand told ABC15 that he had never seen the same burden on Arizona resources as it does in New York and Louisiana. But that’s not just how many ventilators the hospital has.

Dr. Strand explains, “It’s also a turnaround between patients, so you don’t have to decide who gets it or who doesn’t.”

Patients usually need only a few hours of ventilation during surgery. Patients fighting COVID-19 can spend weeks on it. The longer the ventilator used, the more the hospital can run out of supplies.

COVID-19 patients must have a ventilator available. Patients who reach that severity level need a machine to breathe, because of the way the disease attacks the body.

“Most people know that your lungs are a kind of balloon,” Dr. Strand explained. “But it’s actually better to think of a sponge. Given a sponge soaked in water, what does pneumonia do to the lungs?”

At that point, the patient needs a ventilator to regulate breathing and make the lungs work. Doctors place the respiratory tract under the trachea below the vocal cords, creating a seal there to move oxygen into and out of the lungs. These machines control the number of breaths a patient takes per minute, the size of the breath, and the pressure.

Although they are generally related to end-of-life care, Dr. Strand stated that it was not a ventilator for COVID-19 patients.

“People ride it, with the goal of getting off later. It’s like a bridge over the worst parts of an infectious disease.”

This is the exact procedure, but it is a procedure trained by some health professionals to complete. Dr. Strand has told ABC15 that there are plans to utilize this procedure as needed, using all specialized physicians.

Dr. Strand also feels she is now supported by the Valley’s medical community.

“You think it’s really great that the healthcare community has united. This is our job. We’re proud to be healthcare professionals. There are many collaborations across multiple sites People share information and share technology. I am very positive in that regard. “

Another positive is data showing that Arizona peaks may not be as high as originally expected. Dr. Strand relies on physical distance.

“I really want to give everyone in the community an incredible personal sacrifice to get enough health care resources and help care for patients who need to come to the hospital. Thanks, so I’m generally happy with what I’ve achieved in Arizona. “


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