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Coronavirus: six Indian survivors want you to know about fighting Covid-19


The total number of coronavirus cases in India on Friday reached 6,872 after new cases were reported in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tripura, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and other states. According to the Ministry of Health, 515 out of the total number of positive cases confirmed in the country have cured the infection.

India Today TV spoke with several Coronavirus survivors who shared their story as a Covid-19 patient, a period of isolation, and subsequent life.

COVID-19 is desperate, stay home and wash your hands: Kolkata Survivor

Monami Biswas is one of the Covid-19 survivors in Kolkata, West Bengal. Monami, a 24-year-old college student at the University of Edinburgh, tested positive for Covid-19 the day after returning to India in mid-March. As a result, they had to spend two weeks in a quarantine facility.

Monami Biswas said she spent Netflix on a quarantine facility on India Today TV. She also said that hospital doctors frequently visited her and motivated her.

“You don’t have to panic at all. Stay healthy and eat healthy. Stay at home. If you have any symptoms, talk to your doctor right away. A deadly virus. Beware of you. “

It’s time to regain vitality: Patna women

Anisavinod, 45, has returned from a 10-day trip to Nepal on March 8, but she only began to show symptoms of coronavirus on March 16. She said that it didn’t seem serious at first.

After visiting a doctor at AIIMS in Patna, Anissavinod was hospitalized while her husband was asked to return to home quarantine. Anitha Vinod spent 11 days in an isolation ward and was discharged only after two negative coronavirus tests.

Recalling the loneliness of the isolation ward, Anisavinod said, “The doctor speaks to me from the door. They were right to do so, [it made me feel] Bad for myself. With the support of my family and friends, I was full of hope. “

“I share my story and give people a little hope [in the face of the] She says, this is a horrible statistic around the world, and sometimes panic, “she added. You can conquer Corona. I did it. “

Maintain social discrimination and adhere to lockdown: PATNA SURVIVOR

Rahul Kumar, a Master in Computer Science in Scotland, returned to India after a significant increase in coronavirus cases in the country. He was asymptomatic at the airport during the thermal screening, but was allowed to travel to Patna.

When I got home, Raffle traveled with many foreigners, so I thought it was appropriate to get tested for a new coronavirus. He was tested and found to be positive for the new coronavirus.

“I didn’t lose my mind when I knew that I was positive for the new coronavirus. I decided to fight this fight, so I kept my willpower high.” Coronavirus survivors said.

“Stay home even without symptoms”

Rovid Dutta, a survivor of Covid-19, told India Today TV how people seem to blame coronavirus patients and survivors. Talking about how his life has changed after surviving the infection, Rohit Dutta says, “ I faced this problem when the coronavirus was detected, but now the situation is changing “

Regarding his first reaction, Rohit Dutta said, “I couldn’t take the time because the doctor himself told me to go home in the first 13 to 14 days.” He has been feeling healthy since he was discharged and has not exhibited any symptoms.

He said in his message to the people, “The doctor will take care of you, so you do not have to panic. You need to be at home. You need to be at home without any symptoms. . “

Overall positive: Surat survivors

Rita Bachkaniwala, a survivor of Covid-19 Surat, told her that for her it began with only a dry cough and fever. She said her symptoms were closer to those of the flu. “If you are infected with a coronavirus and you think you have symptoms of infection, you should go to a civilian hospital without delay,” she said.

She also said she was afraid and was studying for her next exam. Rita said he actively surrounded himself throughout his time as a Covid-19 patient.

Another survivor, Sumatisin, from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, talked about her experience as a coronavirus patient. Sumati Singh said she had no symptoms until two days after returning from Finland. She said she thought her body was responding to weather changes.

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