Ebola, which is considered harmless to humans, can make pigs sick and ring alarm bells

For the first time, U.S. government scientists have shown in the lab that pigs can become seriously ill. A specific species of Ebola virus called Reston Ebola virus (RESTV). The virus is known to be the only Ebola species that does not cause people to get sick so far.However, the findings suggest that it can still pose a significant threat to livestock, and The chances of harming humans someday are not zero, which one.
Reston became popular in 1994 Non-fiction book Hot zone, Written by Richard Preston.In it, Preston looks for the first known Reston Ebola virus event. It occurred in 1989, when monkeys were used for animal research at a laboratory in Reston, Virginia, and began to die all at once... Some animal handlers and laboratory workers eventually tested positive for antibodies to the virus, but everyone was relieved to develop symptoms of often fatal hemorrhagic fever associated with other Ebola viruses. There were no people. At the time, Reston was considered another type of Ebola virus, but is now classified as a unique species of Ebola, one of the six.
With research over the years Other outbreaks Reston has decisively shown that it can make non-human primates sick. 2008, evidence Appeared What it may have Was the culprit behind the outbreak of respiratory illness Several pig farms in the Philippines. At least six farm workers were thought to have infected the pigs, As before, these infections did not cause human illness.Still, the incident was alarming To the epidemiologist.
Since 2008 Was just Limited research Investigate the relationship between the Reston virus and pigs. This new study, Release on Monday of the minutes of the National Academy of SciencesIt was the work of a scientist at the National Institutes of Health.
Their results suggest that the Reston Ebola virus can actually infect pigs and cause serious harm. They fed the virus to young domestic piglets aged 3 to 7 weeks and exposed them through the mouth and nose. Pigs developed severe respiratory illness and most often needed to be euthanized within a week. In addition, pigs have shown that they can easily shed the virus in the respiratory tract, during which time they can infect others.
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“We conclude that RESTV should be considered a zoonotic disease as a livestock pathogen that affects animal and perhaps even human health,” the author writes.
To be clear, the risk to people is completely theoretical so far, but it is It’s not impossible.Viruses like the flu are already on a regular basis crossover From Animals from birds to pigs afterwards To people. From time to time, this journey can lead to powerful new strains of influenza that are easily transmitted to humans and cause disease. OOther viruses, including the coronavirus that causes covid-19, are often of animal origin. Before changing to a version that can be a nightmare for people. If pigs become a common reservoir of Reston virus, one day strains may emerge and be different enough to infect humans and make us sick.
You don’t have to panic now.But if the covid-19 pandemic tells us something, it means we have to identify these. Virus threat long before it spills To people if we want Chance to stop them.
“The emergence of RESTV in pigs is a wake-up call because of the potential for human transmission through direct contact with pigs or the food chain,” the author writes.
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