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Doctors challenge Contra Costa’s public health authorities: one doctor is “deleted” and two are reprimanded


Three doctors at John Muir Hospital recently sent a letter to Dr. Chris Farnitano, a public health doctor at Contra Costa, to maintain state and county health authorities and Californians regarding the handling of the COVID-19 virus in California. I challenged some serious issues with the data being manipulated for. Locking down.

Dr. Farnitano has never responded directly to the doctor, according to sources in Contra County County. She also said that John Muir Hospital sent one of the doctors this week and rebuked the other two.

“I feel it’s scientifically clear that increased blockades lead to more non-symbiotic morbidity and mortality, as supported by the CDC,” said Dr. Michael Devoablanc, Pete Mazolevsky. Dr. Brian Hopkins said in a letter.

KTVU report Dr. Michael Devoablanc’s “Career had a negative impact as soon as the letter was published. He was John Muir Health’s Director of Trauma Medicine. But on Friday, John Muir said “The medical director of trauma and relocation services is in a contracted position, and after careful consideration, John Muir Health has not continued Dr. Deboa Blanc in that position,” he said in a statement. It was.

Despite Orwell’s words, Dr. Michael Devoablanc has at least been demoted and may have been dismissed for boldly questioning the county’s manipulation of COVID data.

Contra Costa County has a population of 1,156,530 and Contra Costa County Public Health Service Report:

  • 754,541 COVID tests were performed
  • 35,322 positive “cases”
  • 298 people died
  • 28,448 “Recovery”
  • This means that 719,219 residents of Contra Costa County are negative on the COVID-19 test.

The problem for doctors is excessive COVID PCR testing, which leads to a large number of false positive results.

Source explains:

“A positive PCR test result should only be considered as a preliminary result and does not determine active infection or hospitalization rates. Physicians usually show patients as they are symptomatic and patients get sick. Order these tests if you suspect they are likely. If the result returns positive, you should check it with another test to be considered deterministic.

The concern with Covid screening is that these steps are not performed. Positive PCR has little clinical significance and increases the number of cases without confirming the presence of active infections. Without the expertise and confirmatory assay of the physician, there is no way to determine if this is a true positive result. “

As the earth Just reportedGovernor Gavin Newsom and Dr. Mark Garry, Executive Director of CHHS, know that they are confusing a positive “case” of coronavirus with a real illness to keep California in a state of panic and blockade. .. A “case” is not a “case” unless someone is infected with the virus in the hospital or died as a result of COVID-19.

Doctors said in a letter that there was a normal ICU and winter surge in hospitals, and the hospital number on the Contra Costa County COVID website “shows an essentially stable ICU occupancy from July 1st to today. I am. “

“We deal with these surges every winter,” they said.

Doctors say public policy is based on false numbers and assumptions.

They also challenge the blockade and subsequent health problems.

Doctors ask Dr. Farnitano how the county describes a number of false-positive COVID tests in the county’s stratification system. They ask what data supports the closure of the gym and outdoor dining. And they want to know why public health agencies are ignoring medical professionals who recommend opening schools because children are not important vectors of illness.

In all of these important questions, one doctor was allegedly dismissed from the position of trauma medical director and the other two were allegedly reprimanded by John Muir Hospital.

COVID-19 PCR test

All PCR kits come with a package insert that outlines the procedure and FDA-recommended guidelines. PCR has not been approved by the FDA for screening and the results will only be approved if MD suspects Covid. The PCR Covid kit is not approved for contact tracing shared by sources.

Sources seeking anonymity shared the Abbott Laboratories PCR test inserts (below) included with all PCR test kits. “Be aware of the complexity of the procedures with the risk of mutual contamination. We do not know how sensitivity and specificity are maintained by testing thousands of samples per day. These procedures are currently in California. It was not designed for large-scale screening in. “

“PCR has been used by public health for 20 years, they are familiar with this limitation,” she said.

“Under the intended use, PCR is intended for patients with suspected COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. Under procedural restrictions, the results are obtained by trained professionals with the patient’s medical history, clinical signs , Symptoms, and epidemiological risk factors. Due to limitations in intended use and procedure, it has been confirmed that the PCR assay is not approved for screening or contact tracing. “

“The Abbott Labs package insert on testing guidelines for COVID-19 laboratory testing has limited PCR testing and, along with the patient’s medical history, clinical signs, and clinical signs, gives positive results to trained professionals. It is very clear that it needs to be evaluated. Symptoms. It is clear that public health agencies do not follow the manufacturer’s test guidelines when screening the entire community, which further increases the number of these cases. It is questioned and the Newsome Blueprint is questioned. “

All of this leads to attempts to increase numbers and create a wave of artificial hospital use with the goal of continuing to rule California in emergencies.

Maybe these MDs were too close to the truth to explain the current situation.

Regarding the background of Dr. Michael de Boisblanc, “All these orders are based on strong science and excellent data.” John Joy said, First distance. Supervisor of Contra Costa County. “They cite data that we believe our health department does not reflect the exact current thinking.”

This is the doctor’s letter:

MD letter to the director of public health (1)

Abbott Laboratories PCR test inserts are:

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