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How did Udaipur’s small fertility clinic grow to generate sales of Rs 7,500 Cr, a leader in the IVF center chain in India?

How did Udaipur’s small fertility clinic grow to generate sales of Rs 7,500 Cr, a leader in the IVF center chain in India?


The world has changed and people have evolved, but the taboo on male infertility is still going on.

1998, fertility specialist Dr. Ajay Mahdia I decided to change this thinking process among Indians. With 5,000 rupees in his pocket, he started a fertility clinic. Udaipur, Rajasthan, Offering Personalized Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Treatment, Make people understand that men are also a cause of infertility and need to be tested with women.

Around the same time, he opened one of India’s first sperm banks in Udaipur and trained doctors from all over the country on it. As medicine advances and new technologies emerge, Ajay’s two sons— Dr. Xitith Murdia And Nitis Murdia — These services Indira IVF banner.

Dr. Xitith Murdia, CEO Indira in vitro fertilization SMB story,

“When my dad started the fertility clinic, he wasn’t very welcomed by society. The problem of talking about male infertility was taboo. But he counseled and treated people and his parents The situation changed when I gave him a lot of joy. “

Today, Indira IVF is one of India’s leading IVF chains, with sales of Rs 7,500.

Give parents a precious moment

Indira IVF has grown from two fertility clinics in 2015 (Udaipur and Pune) to 93 centers in 2020 and has a presence throughout India.

Indira IVF assists patients with a variety of technologies, including RI witness ™ technology, closed working chamber technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and microfluidics.

Cooper Surgical’s RIwitness ™ technology is an integral part of how Indira IVF works and guarantees its clients accountability. This electronic monitoring technology ensures sample safety, quality control, and efficiency, and all samples are labeled with RFID chips.

“In the recent Bollywood movie” Good Newwz, “you can see a mixture of eggs and sperm. By using RFID-based RIwitness ™, Indira IVF can be confident that such a mistake is out of the question, ”says Dr. Hitiz.

Even if there is very little chance of making a mistake at any of the centers, a notification will be sent to Udaipur’s central process monitoring unit and the process will be stopped immediately.

Meanwhile, the closed work room technology is imported from Australia and provides a long-term stable environment for processing gametes and oocytes (controlled CO2, temperature, humidity, atmosphere free of volatile organic compounds) It is a work station to do. Embryos, and other tissues that depend on a controlled environment.

Dr. Kshitiz, who describes the expertise of this technology, said:

“In the process of in vitro fertilization, female eggs and male sperm are taken out for fertilization. Temperature changes cause the gamete to undergo a temperature shock that can affect its quality, and then the embryo. It can also affect quality. ”

Indira IVF

Indira IVF Center

“Using a closed working room consistently maintains the ideal state of the human body, increases the tendency to form high-quality embryos, and improves pregnancy outcomes,” he adds. I will.

Indira IVF is one of the largest users of RIwitness ™ technology in Cooper Surgical, India. In fact, both technologies have been imported and implemented in all 92 centers, making them one of the largest users and providers of these cutting-edge technologies.

In 2017, Indira IVF will open a training center under the Indira Fertilizer Academy with nearly 25 international students from countries such as Liberia, Zambia, Ethiopia, Namibia, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Gambia. Established. Research.

The academy is equipped with a unique stimulator that mimics the actual surgery and results. It also enables training in SOPs that standardize procedures in all clinics, further increasing the success rate of IVF.

Make a difference

According to Dr. Kshitiz, India carries out an IVF cycle of 20,000 to 25,000 rupees each year, according to basic data from the pharmaceutical sector.

One of the challenges facing Indira IVF was to raise awareness among aspiring parents, which was overcome with the help of campaigns and awareness camps. With a skilled workforce of all levels, the company ensures that all patients receive consistent and empathic care.

“Indira IVF focuses on four mantras: affordability, awareness, warranty and accessibility. To achieve this, we decided to eradicate infertility myths and stigma. Focused. The company has completed more than 2,141 free consultation camps in more than 742 cities covering 24 states across India, “says Dr. Kshitiz.

In addition, Indira IVF has been continually working to reduce the cost of IVF treatment with the best medical care for the masses.It is competing with something like Nova IVF fertility, maternal fertility, etc.

It has made treatment affordable for various sections of society. With advanced technology and a large implementation of the SOP, Indira IVF has managed to maintain an average cycle cost between Rs 1.5 and Rs 2.

But I believe it still has a long way to go. In fact, current financing options such as the EMI facility have their own limitations.

“By leveraging technology and standardizing procedures, we are constantly working to improve the success rate of IVF procedures, making a big leap in competition and strengthening our leadership position. Our IVF success rate is It’s the highest in the industry, close to 72%, “says Dr. Kshitiz.

He adds that coordinated efforts from the healthcare, pharmaceutical and insurance industries feel that IVF treatment can be made much more affordable for aspiring parents in the future.

Indira IVF has undertaken more than 100,000 IVF cycles since its inception, of which more than 33,000 were carried out last year alone. This is the highest number of implementations in a year in the country.

Future outlook

There are two business strategies for Indira IVF. One is to improve accessibility by increasing the geographic footprint around the world, and the other is clinical success rate and patient satisfaction, which are the true determinants of increasing the profitability of IVF business. Focus on improvement. ..

The IVF Center is actively planning to expand its reach throughout India and globally and to introduce new and innovative technologies to increase patient satisfaction. In addition, we have taken a number of steps to take advantage of fixed costs to maintain growth and profitability.

“We have seen positive growth of over 20% in the last three years and we aim to maintain the same growth trend. We have an asset light model and the requirements for Capex are not that big. We are completely debt-free. It’s an organization and gives us the flexibility to grow rapidly in our current scenarios, “says Dr. Kshitiz.

Indira IVF aims to add about 20-30 centers each year, with Southeast Asia and Africa as its next target markets.


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