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Moderna Vaccine Administered at Community Hospital | Western Colorado


“My kids told me to take a selfie,” said Sue Hanson, a nurse at the community hospital, when she sat down to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday morning. “It’s a historic day.”

Hanson was one of the 96 front-line healthcare professionals in the hospital receiving the newly approved Moderna vaccine on Tuesday. The hospital has a capacity of up to 300 people per day.

“This is the culmination of the community’s rallying and reaching this point. We are delighted to be able to pass through all the key staff and frontline workers and ensure they are protected,” said the president of the community hospital. CEO Christomas said. “We’re still looking at COVID in the community, so whatever we can do to protect our staff … that’s what we need here.”

He said vaccines are the next tool in the “to combat this” toolbox.

Due to the limited initial supply, the vaccine is distributed to the most at-risk individuals, including front-line healthcare professionals, and then to the general public. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, along with the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Planning Team, has created a distribution phase that can be found on the CDPHE website. In winter Phase 1, the highest-risk healthcare professionals are at the top of the vaccination list, followed by care facility staff and residents.

The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was distributed nationwide last week, with first vaccinations for healthcare workers in Mesa County, such as Dr. Collie Line, president and chief executive officer of Family Health West. Family Health West received and stored 975 doses of Pfizer vaccine. Some of them have been moved to St. Mary’s Hospital. Community Hospital is the first Mesa County facility to receive the Moderna vaccine.

Both vaccines have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, received the Modana vaccine live on television when deployment began on Tuesday.

One of the main differences between the two is that Pfizer vaccines require ultra-low temperature storage (minus -60 to minus -80 ° C), so distribution and storage must be carefully planned.

“I’m glad I came here. The team has really stepped up. This week or next week, we’ll be able to reach out through all our employees and then support clinics in some areas.” Thomas said.

Approximately 1,200 healthcare workers are vaccinated at community hospitals, which are phased in according to the work environment, said Dr. Thomas Tobin, MD, Chief Healthcare Officer at the community hospital. I will.

“There are basically three layers, so I’m going to give the first dose at least until the beginning of the year,” he said.

Mr. Tobin said there was considerable expectation and excitement from the staff to eventually get vaccinated.

“Until approved, people emailed me, caught me in the hallway and asked when they would come,” he said. “For frontline staff, I just want to be vaccinated to continue to care for my patients and reduce the risk of getting COVID.”

For Hanson, her husband is at high risk, so vaccination gives her peace of mind, but she also wants to set an example for her patients.

“There are some amazing techniques behind this vaccine. I think it’s very exciting and will change the drug,” she said.

Hanson returned to her office after vaccination and said her patient had already begun asking questions about the vaccine.


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