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Clinical trial testing whether tuberculosis vaccine can be used to boost immunity to COVID-19



April 11, 2020 16:28:40

Clinical trials with hundreds of leading healthcare workers in South Australia test whether vaccines commonly used to fight tuberculosis can be used to boost immunity to COVID-19 .

Key Point:

  • Vaccines have been shown to boost immunity to other infections
  • Researchers hope it provides evidence in the fight against coronavirus
  • According to SA Health, the state has confirmed 429 cases.

Approximately 500 hospital staff will participate in this trial, which hopes that medical authorities will provide evidence in the fight against coronavirus.

The South Australian Institute of Health and Medicine (SAHMRI) has been studying the effects of a vaccine known as the Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine (BCG) for some time.

SAHMRI Executive Director Steven Wesselingh said it was designed to protect against tuberculosis, an infectious bacterial disease that affects the lungs, and is also a common treatment for patients with bladder cancer.

However, it has also been shown to boost immunity to other infectious diseases, and said he hoped the authorities would work to boost coronavirus immunity.

“Test participants who receive the vaccine or are randomly assigned to be in the control group will be monitored for symptoms and will be tested if directed,” he said.

“This trial will provide key evidence that could prove invaluable in both the current battle against COVID-19 and future outbreaks of new viruses.”

Wesselin said the BCG vaccine could also enhance human “frontline” immunity, which said it would train the immune system to respond to bacteria with “stronger strength.”

SA Health today has found only one positive case of coronavirus in the state since yesterday.

Seven more cases were confirmed yesterday, bringing the total number of SA cases to 429.

Chief Health Officer Nicola Splier said more than half of these cases are now recovering, with 225 recoveries to date.

Fifteen patients are hospitalized, seven of them are intensive care and four are severely ill.

So far three people have died in South Australia.

Dr. Spurrier stated that SA Health’s further investigation of the Barossa Valley and Adelaide Airport clusters has helped link more cases.

According to her, 34 cases are associated with the airport cluster, with 18 people working in the baggage handler area, three other Qantas workers at the airport, and thirteen close contacts.

SA Health has said it is working to get more details from Qantas on the movement and location of workers to be at the top of the cluster.

The Barossa Valley wine region has two clusters related to 40 people, and authorities are still urging people to avoid coming and going to the area.

Stay up to date on coronavirus outbreaks

Health Minister Steven Wade also today called on the public to limit the number of people who go shopping for the products they need.

He asked the family to send only one person to the store for food, not the entire family, because the state government wanted to minimize the number of people shopping.

“By doing so, we can significantly reduce overcrowding and make it easier to observe social distance,” he said.

“Usually shopping can be spent with the family, but these are not normal.”

“This vaccine can make a real difference.”

SAHMRI has partnered with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) to deploy this trial with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The state government injected $ 200,000 into clinical trials. Health Minister StephenWade has stated that it can provide additional support to those working in industries where risks are currently increasing.

“It’s very exciting that this existing vaccine can make a real difference in the health and well-being of hospital staff at the forefront of fighting COVID-19,” he said.

“Because of the nature of their work, healthcare workers are at increased risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, so it is important that they have initial access to this potential protective intervention.

“We are fighting back and will defeat it together.”

Human study approved for new pneumococcal vaccine

The clinical trial will be conducted when a South Australian company is also funding a human clinical trial of a new vaccine against another respiratory virus, which accounts for approximately 2 million deaths annually worldwide.

The GPN vaccine has developed a new vaccine against pneumococcus, a common secondary infection against influenza and other viruses.

Your question about the coronavirus has been answered:

The company received a $ 1 million state government grant to help improve existing vaccines.

Professor James Paton said it was important to update the vaccine to ensure that it was effective against the new virus strain.

“Strains not covered by current vaccines are becoming increasingly common, so in the context of a pandemic of viral respiratory disease, it is important to have a vaccine that is as effective as possible against pneumococcus “He said.

What the experts say about the coronavirus:


Government and politics,


Health policy,

Illness and disability,


Vaccines and immunity,

Federal government,

States and territories,

Medical research,

Adelaide 5000,



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