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Scientists detect new strain of coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Experts say there is no evidence that this mutation poses a greater risk. However, it shows that Covid-19 is sweeping the entire region.

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December 23, 2020

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A group of researchers discovered a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the coronavirus in the state of Rio de Janeiro. One of the most affected areas of the pandemic Brazil , Scientific sources were announced this Tuesday.

According to a survey by Institute of Scientific Computing (LNCC), Linked to Ministry of Science and Technology Conducted jointly with Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), The new strain first appeared in October last year Rio de Janeiro.

the study It does not indicate whether the new strain is more contagious or aggressive, only its findings are disclosed. At the moment, the strain is SARS-CoV-2 Experts emphasize that vaccines emerging around the world reduce the effectiveness of vaccines that are beginning to be distributed and applied.

by Researchers have so far found that new strains are “partially restricted” to the city, in which COVID 19. But they He warned that it could spread throughout the state and, as a result, to other parts of the country.

“A significant increase in the frequency of this strain raises concerns about the need for genomic surveillance during the second wave of public health control and infection,” prepared under the coordination of researcher Ana Tereza Vasconcelos. Research scientists have shown.

To find out more: New strain of British coronavirus: everything known so far

How was the new variant discovered?

By gene sequencing of B.1.1.28 system Already touring Brazil since the beginning of the year, the strain is estimated to have germinated in July. In the expert survey results 180 SARS-CoV-2 genomes Analyzed and discovered five unique new mutations that spread rapidly.

In the whole country with a population of about 210 million Covid-19 left more than 187,000 deaths and 7.2 million infectious diseases. Recently, Brazil Has experienced an outbreak of the disease, forcing some regions and municipalities to step up precautions to avoid more infections.

To find out more: European countries suspend flights to the UK due to new strains of the more contagious and “out of control” coronavirus


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