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Q & A: Dr. Harold Naramore, Chief Medical Officer of BMH, talks about COVID-19 vaccine | COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# Add parentheses when first appearing if there is no character limit


Within the last 7 days, Blount County received two batches of COVID-19 vaccine — the final inoculation of the coronavirus pandemic.

However, recent approvals and dose shipments have raised questions about what vaccines are, how they affect people, and when they are available to the general public.

To answer some of the most pressing questions, the Daily Times worked with Dr. Harold Naramore, Chief Medical Officer at the Brandt Memorial Hospital. This is what he had to say.

Q: Q: The State Department has seen that some of the vaccine vials may be sufficient for one or two additional doses instead of the expected three. Did you think that was the case at Brant Memorial? If so, have you been able to vaccinate more than 975 hospital staff?

A: I learned that some vaccine vials contain more than 3 doses. This allowed more individuals to be vaccinated. A total of 1,167 vaccines have been administered since the first shipment. There were no unused vaccines.

Q: Q: Have any side effects been reported?

A: There were no major side effects due to the vaccine. I’ve heard from most people that they had a slight armache a day and, in some cases, mild headaches and malaise.

Q: Q: Why do people need to be vaccinated?

A: Vaccination with COVID-19 is something that each of us should do for several reasons.

First, enough individuals need to be vaccinated to develop herd immunity. That way, you can actually control the virus and keep it out of control. We can bring our lives back to the “normal” we all love and miss.

If enough people are vaccinated to develop herd immunity, we can probably function without masks, return to large rallies, and see our economy begin to prosper again. I think you can.

It is important that all of us play a role in responding to this pandemic. Because it’s not just ourselves protecting it. By vaccination, we are reducing the spread in our community, but we are also protecting the more vulnerable people in our community.

Second, the disease is highly contagious and spreads quickly. It also puts many people in hospitals, and sadly many are dying from this virus.

In addition to the number of people sick and dying, the virus also leaves unpredictable long-term complications that may not be fully effective for 18-24 months or more.

It’s not just about getting a COVID and recovering in two weeks. There may be neurological effects, damage to the heart, or problems that occur in the gastrointestinal system. We also know from early signs that cognition (or memory) can be affected. All of these are challenges that individuals may face, but at this time the overall impact on the downstream is unknown.

As you know, COVID-19 has influenced our country in many ways. It prevented our children from going to school and participating in full-time traditional learning. It also prevents many neighbors in Blount County and across the country from doing work to support themselves and their families, which puts a heavy burden on their own financial and mental health.

We cannot keep these things happening.

Q: Q: What is the science behind vaccines? Specifically, what does it do to the body?

A: Looking at what vaccines do to the body, it’s a really complicated process. But in general, vaccines strengthen your body’s immune system and allow it to fight any virus they are aiming for.

With this vaccine, messenger RNA enters cells, then cells produce proteins with spikes of the COVID-19 virus, and then proteins enter the system.

Your immune system looks at them and then makes antibodies to those proteins. Antibodies are important because they cannot attach to cells when they bind to viral spikes.

In essence, vaccines provide your body with a way to prevent the virus from adhering to your cells.

Q: Q: Is it possible to spread the virus by vaccination?

A: Medicine is unclear about this at this time, as we are still learning a lot about viruses. You will find out more about this question in the next 8-12 weeks.

Q: Q: How many people need to be vaccinated for society to be safe from COVID-19?

A: The real answer is probably about 65-70% to be considered a complete herd immunity.

It will take some time to reach that number. But think about it little by little. If 30% are vaccinated quickly, it is not herd immunity, but much better than no one is vaccinated. Again, if 50% of people are vaccinated, it is not herd immunity, but it affects both the spread of the virus and the number of cases.

So every bit you get is reducing the spread of the virus and the potential number of new cases.

Q: Q: Where can people get the vaccine?

A: The vaccine will eventually become widely available in commercial pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens and Wal-Mart. Some clinics and health departments may have the opportunity to make them available on limited supplies, but their details are not immediately available.

Q: Q: When do you think everyone who wants the vaccine will be able to get the vaccine?

A: From the end of March to the beginning of April, the vaccine will be widely available to anyone who wants it.

Q: Q:Can Pregnant Women Get It?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology say there are no signs that they cannot be taken. However, there is not much research in this subgroup.

A: The Pfizer vaccine is approved for children over the age of 16, but the Moderna vaccine is not available for children.

Q: Q: Can people who are already infected with COVID-19 still be vaccinated? why?

A: Yes, if they choose to vaccinate, it is available to them. Being infected with COVID-19 does not mean that you have lifelong immunity. It is not yet known how long you have not been infected with COVID after being infected with COVID.

Q: Q: What side effects did people experience?

A: Side effects that some people may experience include low-grade fever, malaise, muscle and body aches, and headaches. All of these are normal reactions to bodybuilding protection, usually lasting a day or two.

Q: Q: Do people need to worry about the potential long-term effects of vaccines?

A: All existing data shows that it is safe and I am confident. I’m sure I was vaccinated, and my wife, who is also a doctor, vaccinated. I also recommend vaccination of my daughter, a young healthy doctor.

Q: Q: Is this vaccine a one-time use? Or do people need to be vaccinated against COVID for years?

A: I’m not sure, but I think it’s very likely that you’ll have to take it seasonally, at least for the next 1-3 years, and in some cases even more. By the time the next wave arrives next fall, we may not have sufficient herd immunity. I think it will take some time before the vaccine becomes widely available around the world and enough people get the vaccine before it actually kills the COVID.

I don’t think there will be another year like 2020, but I think there will be years when COVID will occur so that the flu will become more prominent in the next few years.

For more information on county government reporter Shelby Harris, follow @_shelbyharris on Twitter.


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