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How to care for mental health during the festival

How to care for mental health during the festival


Christmas time can be an incredibly stressful time for many.

With so much happening and so many demands on your time and attention, it’s no wonder that many people find the festival to be a tough time.

It is not uncommon for people with mental health to be overwhelmed by the festival.

It is not uncommon for an empty person to be overwhelmed.

Many things that are part of our daily lives that we take for granted are confused by the changing pace of our lives this month.

This year also there are additional stresses and associated limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mental Health Ireland The section of that website Exclusively for Covid-19, there are tips and worksheets to help individuals during this time.

Service too Here are some other tips How we are kind to ourselves this Christmas …

Beware of alcohol:

Alcohol is a depressant, and excessive drinking can cause depression, irritability, or potentially aggressive behavior. You can maintain your physical and mental health by not exceeding the recommended number of safe units.


Physical activity releases endorphins, a chemical that makes you feel better. This helps to relax, feel happy and uplift. You can experience reducing anxiety, reducing depression, and increasing self-esteem by doing simple tasks such as working with cyclins, taking a walk in the park, or participating in Christmas games.


Celebratory times provide us with the ideal opportunity to talk, visit and interact with the people around us. Face-to-face communication has been shown to improve mental and physical health as this interaction produces the hormone oxytocin, which helps the immune system, heart health, and cognitive function.

If you plan to meet friends and family during this festive time, keep in mind that Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines still apply and keep in mind that you are keeping a social distance.

Mental Health Ireland says:

There’s nothing better than catching up with someone face-to-face, but that’s not always possible. Instead, make a phone call, drop a note, or chat online. Keep the line of communication open-it’s good for you.

Christmas can be a good opportunity to reconnect by card, email, or phone.

Try to relax

By exercising more regularly or by practicing mindfulness that combines meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises, you can relieve stress symptoms and gain more control in dealing with difficult situations.


Helping others is good for your own mental health and well-being. It reduces stress, improves mood, increases self-esteem and well-being, and also helps with physical health.

Christmas is a good time to volunteer for charity and community organizations and provide essential support and encouragement to those in need.

Take a break

There are several steps you can take to achieve a better night’s sleep: trying to get into your normal sleep routine as soon as possible after the festival period, less alcohol consumption during the festival, Perform regular exercise on your weekly routine and reduce your stress.


As mentioned above, this Christmas has the additional stress of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Earlier this month, restrictions on indoor dining and non-essential retailing were relaxed, but people at the same time Prompted to limit Their contact information before visiting people on Christmas.

Pete Lunn, Head of Behavioral Research at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), said: This gave the feeling of being “socially pulled in both directions.”

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“We were signaled that we could relax for Christmas, and people are now being pulled in multiple directions,” Ran said.

“We have a duty to meet family, friends and other extended families before Christmas, because that’s what people usually do,” he said.

Whatever you do, you may feel disappointed.

Amárach Research findings on attitudes, plans and expectations for Christmas this year Was included in the letter From Chief Health Officer Dr. Tony Holohan to Health Minister Stephen Donnelly last month before the latest limits were agreed.

According to a survey, 43% expect family members to disagree on how to handle the Covid-19 risk when arranging for Christmas.

“It’s good to have an honest conversation in advance and get over it, because people have different motivations to put up with risk,” Ran said.

“Some people have different views on risk. It’s best to respect it and negotiate in advance.”

Dr. Eddie Murphy, a clinical psychologist, reiterated the idea that it would be useful to have a tense conversation in advance.

“Every conversation is about choosing the right time and place and having some honesty about the conversation,” he said.

Need help? Support is available:

  • Recognition – 1800 80 48 48 (depression, anxiety)
  • Samaritan – 116123 or email [email protected]
  • Pieta House – 1800 247 247 or email [email protected] (Suicide, self-harm)
  • Teenline Ireland – 1800 833 634 (for ages 13-18)
  • Childline – 1800 66 66 66 (under 18 years old)

Reported by Orla Dwyer


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