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Infertility problem?Lose weight from the chest-related to sex

Infertility problem?Lose weight from the chest-related to sex


Routine equipment may help guide many couples suffering from infertility in the right direction, rather than the scales that are the general advice! That’s right. Obesity can be the real reason for the problem of infertility in many couples. Obesity causes serious damage to fertility in both men and women.

In women, obesity can cause an irregular menstrual cycle, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), or the way the woman’s body stores sex hormones. Any of these three conditions can cause infertility. To make matters worse, many obese women can suffer from multiple of these conditions together.

If an obese woman tries to get pregnant without solving the weight problem, she and her baby may be exposed to three pregnancy risks caused by obesity: miscarriage, gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia. That’s not all. An increased risk of birth defects, such as congenital heart disease and many other serious abnormalities, is associated with maternal obesity.

In men, a review of 14 studies found that 51% of obese men were likely to have no or very few sperms during ejaculation.

Is there a reliable and lasting escape from the obesity trap? Yes, and understanding obesity may be the first important step.

Definition of obesity:

Obesity is not defined by your weight alone. It is calculated by a unit called the Body Mass Index (BMI), which measures weight in relation to height to determine obesity and its severity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers a BMI greater than 30 to be class 1 obesity. A BMI greater than 35 is Class II, or severe obesity, and a BMI greater than 40 is Class III, or severe obesity.

Obesity is not a cosmetic condition. It is a complex chronic disease that requires medical attention as declared by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 2013 after 30 years of research and development.

How to treat obesity?

Does the diet work?

According to some studies, restricted diets do not reduce obesity, and the majority of people on a diet regain more in addition to their lost weight.

How about exercise?

Reviews of several studies have reported that clinically significant weight loss is unlikely to occur. Exercise programs actually play a role in weight recovery after the first weight loss. Overall, aerobic exercise programs that are consistent with public health recommendations can promote up to moderate weight loss (~ 2 kg).

So what is the solution?

If you’ve tried lifestyle changes, dieting, exercising, etc., but you don’t lose much weight or you can’t prevent weight loss for a long time, it’s a good idea to consult a qualified obesity specialist. Minimally invasive weight loss surgery may be an option if BMI is greater than 32.5 for type 2 diabetes or other obesity-related comorbidities. Or if BMI exceeds 37.5 and there are no comorbidities.

A review of 18 studies published in April 2020 reported that weight loss surgery significantly improved hormonal balance and sexual function in both men and women, sperm count in men, and pregnancy in women.

Another study found that 62.72% of obese infertile women succeeded in becoming pregnant after obesity surgery.

Today, thanks to Covid-19, many doctors offer online consultation. You can make an appointment wherever you like and discuss obesity issues with a specialist at home.

Don’t fall victim to obesity or its stigma. Obesity-induced infertility can be treated with permanent consequences. Now is the time to act on it!

Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by J & J for the public good. The views and opinions expressed in the articles by the participating physicians are based on the judgment of their independent experts. J & J (P) Ltd., BCCL and its group publications are not responsible for the accuracy or consequences of adhering to the views of the experts.

(This article is published from the news agency feed without changing the text. Only the headline has changed.)

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