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Main CDC reports 735 new COVID-19 cases, 6 additional deaths


State health officials reported 735 new cases of COVID-19 and 6 more deaths on Thursday, marking the second consecutive day in Maine with more than 700 new infections.

The new case occurred the day after 748 additional COVID-19 infections in Maine, crushing more than 150 previous day highs. The state’s death toll from COVID-19 continues to grow, with 127 of the 317 deaths in Maine occurring within the last four weeks.

To date, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has tracked a total of 21,226 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began in the state in mid-March, half of which occurred within the past month. doing. However, despite the recent surge, Maine remains one of the lowest per capita infection and mortality rates in the country, as states across the country report similar record trends.

Dr. Nirav Shah, CDC director in Maine, also warned that the increase remained a “concern,” but at least some of the huge numbers of infections this week were due to recent changes in state laboratories. Probability is high.

The surge in cases that began this fall led to a backlog at the main CDC lab as staff struggled to keep up with the time-consuming verification process. The Main CDC recently streamlined the process and invited additional staff to deal with the backlog. Shah said it contributed to a record high number of cases on Wednesday and could reach a higher number the next day.

“This increase is a concern, but it represents a real number … It does not represent a significant increase within 24 hours,” Shah said during a media briefing on Wednesday. Shah added that other indicators, including a positive rate test, have recently improved, suggesting that things may actually have leveled off in Maine.

Of the 748 new cases reported on Wednesday, 183 resulted from test results received after Monday, officials said. The rest was previously reported and was part of the backlog.

Since Thanksgiving, the virus has spread in family and group gatherings, causing a surge in infections in Maine and across the country. This means that public health officials are afraid of repeated moves shortly after the current holiday season.

Meanwhile, thousands of front-line health care workers and long-term sanatorium residents were vaccinated against COVID-19 as the initial supply of the two vaccines began to flow into the state. As of Wednesday afternoon, the Main CDC reported at least 8,001 vaccinations across the state, as hospitals and two national pharmacy chains are hosting high-priority personalized vaccine clinics. Is steadily increasing.

The 7-day average for new daily cases in Maine was 478 on Thursday, and the daily 7-day moving average for the end of October was 76, compared to 221 four weeks ago.

The main CDC had not yet posted a new number of hospitalizations on Thursday morning. As of Wednesday afternoon, there were 187 people admitted to the entire state with COVID-19 (more than 10-fold increase from 1 November), 46 of whom were treated in the intensive care unit and 19 on ventilator. It was connected.

Governor Janet Mills said at a briefing on Wednesday that the arrival of the vaccine would provide “a light of hope that is urgently needed,” but the state is striving to vaccinate as many people as possible. Said he was still facing a difficult month.

“The bottom line is that we in Maine, like all states in the country, are still at risk for the virus,” Mills said. “We can and must have better control over this.”

This story will be updated.

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