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More Death-Causing Virus Strains In The UK: Research

More Death-Causing Virus Strains In The UK: Research



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Mutant coronavirus strains prevailing in the UK are on average 56% more contagious than the original version, scientists warned in research that rapid vaccine deployment to prevent more deaths I urged you.

A new variant that emerged in southeastern England in November and is expanding rapidly will result in COVID hospitalization and death next year, according to a study released Wednesday by the London School of Economics Center for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases. There is a possibility of boosting. Tropical medicine.

Researchers focused on English southeast, east, and London said it is still unclear whether the mutants are more or less deadly than their predecessors.

“Nevertheless, even if regional gradual restrictions implemented before December 19 are maintained, increased transmission rates can lead to significant increases in incidence, COVID-19. Hospitalizations and deaths are projected to reach higher levels in 2021 than were observed in 2020. “They said.

The authors warned that a national blockade imposed in the United Kingdom in November “is unlikely to prevent an increase in infection.” , , The university is also closed. “

Relaxation On the other hand, it may encourage a “massive resurgence of the virus”.

This meant that “the deployment of vaccines may need to be significantly accelerated in order to have a significant impact on reducing the burden of the resulting disease.”

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday that the new virus strain “may be up to 70 percent more susceptible than the original version of the disease,” when it announced stricter blockades during the Christmas holidays. It was.

The discovery of a new strain has alerted the world in the same way that it launched a vaccination campaign to stop a pandemic that has killed more than 1.7 million people since it broke out in China a year ago. ..

Many countries quickly banned travel from the UK, but the EU government has since begun to relax the restrictions.

The co-founder of BioNTech, one of the companies behind the vaccines deployed worldwide this week, said the drug was “very likely” to act on mutants detected in the United Kingdom. He said otherwise he could adapt in 6 weeks.

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© 2020 AFP

Quote: More deadly virus strains in the UK: Study obtained from on December 24, 2020 (12 2020) 24th of March)

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