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Black doctor Susan Moore claimed to have received racist treatment before her covid-19 death

Black doctor Susan Moore claimed to have received racist treatment before her covid-19 death


Her white doctor didn’t believe she was short of breath, she said — even though he knew he was treating a fellow licensed doctor. Moore said staff at a hospital near Indianapolis tried to get her out of the hospital early. And her plea for medication to relieve neck pain was ridiculed, she said.

“I was crushed. He made me feel like a drug addict. And he knew I was a doctor. I’m not taking drugs,” Moore said. I remembered that the video on December 4th was watched by millions of people. “I put it forward and insist that if I were white, I wouldn’t have to experience it.”

Update 7 I was at home within 12 hours when biPap was transferred to ICU Update 6. The temperature soared to 103, the blood pressure plummeted to 80/60, and the heart rate reached 132. I’m back at another hospital, Saint Vincent Carmel.  Those people were trying to kill me. Obviously, everyone has to agree to leave me immediately. They are currently treating bacterial pneumonia and Covid pneumonia. I am receiving very compassionate care. They are giving me painkillers Update # 5 I’m at home in my bed ❤️Update # 4I don’t have a fever this morning. Oxygen saturation up to 89%. Blood pressure is rather high but stable. Heart rate is in the normal range. I feel short of breath, but I am deficient in oxygen. I’m only in Decadron right now. And maybe I’m going home today. Update # 3 Now I have a pulmonologist who has adjusted my care plan. My pain is being treated properly. The Chief Medical Officer said diversity training will take place and is working on an apology from Dr. Baneck. I still have no fever and this is the third day. Still out of breath, overall weak  Update # 2 This is Dr. Susan Moore and I spoke with the CMO of the IU Healthcare System. He assures me that all my concerns have been resolved and I personally confirm that I am receiving the best possible care. My pain is now well managed. I have hemoptysis with 2L of oxygen. I talked to respiratory science, and they are going to increase my decadron. Update # 1 Contacted the CMO of the IU Medical Healthcare System. I knew it Dr. Baneck has a bad reputation, dating back three years.  I received a very helpful IV painkiller last night. The nurses and technicians who took care of me last night were both African-American. They brought a nurse from an IU Methodist in downtown Indianapolis.  I’m very scared, so please give me some advice on how to proceed. I was admitted to the North IU at COVID-1911 / 22/2020. The COVID-19 test is negative. 11/29/2020 COVID-19 test is positive. It showed respiratory rate in the 30s, heart rate in the 150s, and fever. Dr. Baneck said my chest x-ray was normal, so I had to ask to get Remdesivir . Then I had to plead for a CT of the chest finally obtained, which showed a large mediastinal lymphadenopathy infiltration in the new left lower lobe infiltration. After receiving two injections of Dr. Remdesivir. Baneck said I wasn’t qualified, I’m not short of breath, he doesn’t know why my neck hurts, and he doesn’t feel comfortable giving me drugs. All I can do is the cry that I was suffering from. He said you can go home now. Notably, he didn’t even listen to my lungs. He didn’t touch me at all. He did not have a physical examination. I told him you can’t tell me my feelings. The next thing I know is that after December 1st, in addition to the new mediastinal lymphadenopathy, stat stat CT angiography showing new lung infiltration and new pleural effusion was ordered from the neck. The next thing I know is that I’m getting a call about what I can get for your pain. Why do I have to prove that I have something wrong to treat my pain? I informed the patient’s advocate 

Contributor Susan Moore Friday, December 4, 2020

Moore, 52, died this week. Devastate African Americans It exposes racial disparities and discrimination that are rampant in the national health system. Her video was first shared on the doctor’s Facebook group and has become a rally cry to tackle the prejudices of the healthcare system more broadly after Moore’s death.

The Indiana University Health System, which operates the hospital, refused to comment on Moore’s treatment details, but said it would implement “new anti-racism, anti-bias and polite training for all team members.” Stated.

The doctor who followed the case cannot directly relate Moore’s death to the problem she mentioned in her initial treatment. However, Moore’s story that her pain was dismissed confirms what the study has repeatedly shown. Even considering wealth, education and insurance status, black patients receive worse medical care and face worse results.

African Americans Insufficient pain treatment on a daily basis Compared to whites with similar medical conditions.The doctor Prone to racial prejudice A particularly striking finding that as they burned out, the pandemic overwhelmed the hospital and staff became overworked.

Beyonce and Serena Williams shared them The story of almost deadly pregnancy complications, It shows how international stardom did not protect African Americans from the high rates of maternal complications they face. Moore’s death happens weeks after another black female Indiana doctor — Shanice Wallace — Died shortly after giving birth.

“Research shows that racism doesn’t stop because of your socioeconomic and educational status,” he founded the Physician Women SOAR, a group dedicated to tackling racism in medicine. Dr. Loucresie Rupert said. “Seeing it in real time and seeing the results really rocked many black doctors I know.”

One of the first coronavirus hotspots was Albany, Georgia. This is a black city that has been fighting social and economic inequality for decades. (Washington Post)

Indiana University Health condolences Moore.

“As an organization working to reduce fairness and racial disparity in health care, we take allegations of discrimination very seriously and investigate all allegations,” the statement said. “Treatment options are often agreed and considered by healthcare professionals in different disciplines, and we support the commitment and expertise of caregivers and the quality of care provided to patients daily. . “

In her video, Moore talks about the doctor’s accuracy in explaining the patient’s plight, and the doctor prepares to discharge her with just two doses of the antiviral drug remdesivir prescribed by some doctors. She said she no longer needed medicine. She said a CT scan validated her pain reports by showing infections and inflammation in her neck and lungs. After the doctor agreed to prescribe the painkiller, Moore said he had waited two and a half hours to take it, and the nurse was in a hurry to point out the delay.

She was furious when she remembered how the same nurse later told her that she had marched in protest of Black Lives Matter.

“He didn’t even know how to march, maybe he couldn’t spell it,” Moore said before making a darker note.

“This is how blacks are killed. When you send them home and they don’t know how to fight for themselves.”

Her video caused a fuss in the doctor’s Facebook group, with some members providing support and intervention on her behalf.

Christina Council, Maryland’s primary care physician and member of the Facebook group, thinks of a white colleague who received morphine as soon as she complained of a severe headache, as opposed to Moore having to wait for a CT scan. Said that. And she thought of African-Americans who couldn’t rely on hundreds of medical professionals gathering on their side.

“What about individuals who don’t have it or don’t know how to defend themselves?” Said the council. “This is why there is such distrust and distrust of the healthcare system, especially in minority groups.”

Moore posted a Facebook post with regular video updates, noting that care was improved and that the hospital’s chief medical officer promised diversity training for staff.

Less than 12 hours after Moore returned home, her fever and heart rate soared and she went to another hospital for treatment.

“They were trying to kill me,” she wrote. “Obviously everyone has to agree to leave the hospital[d] I’m too early. “

In her last update, she said she was being transferred to the intensive care unit with respiratory support.

I couldn’t ask Moore’s relatives for comment.Her son Henry Muhammad Told the New York Times His mother had previously had to advocate appropriate medical care when seeking treatment for inflammatory lung disease.

Moore’s condition worsened on December 10, when he was intubated, and he died on Sunday, two days after wearing the ventilator, Muhammad said.

Some doctors are reluctant to provide painkillers to white patients when they see other doctors questioning Moore’s story, or she sets clinical standards for some treatments. I’m furious to say that it may not be met.

Such comments on black doctors confirm that African Americans are often skeptical and often seen in clinics, they said.

“A non-black male doctor said,’In my experience, when doctors treat other doctors, they go beyond the top,'” Rupert said. “And in your experience, I was exactly like that. This is how racism works.”

Duaa Abdel Hamed, who lives in Boston, was urged to protest after seeing the impact of Covid-19 on people of color. (Washington Post)

Kadijah Ray, an Illinois doctor who co-founded Physicians Women SOAR, said Moore’s story shows the need to start early in high school and expand the ranks of black doctors to identify a new generation of black doctors. Said.

“We have these tragic examples, and everyone is making noise and it will disappear until the next time,” Ray said. “We need to seriously discuss what we should do to get it back.”

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