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Boston Doctor develops severe allergic reaction after vaccination with Moderna

Boston Doctor develops severe allergic reaction after vaccination with Moderna


Moderna vaccines like Pfizer are designed around a molecule called messenger RNA, or mRNA, that is injected into the upper arm. Once inside human cells, mRNA directs the production of a protein called spikes. Spikes tell the immune system to recognize and stop the coronavirus when it enters the body. Each vaccine contains a number of other ingredients that help stabilize the recipe in transit by covering the fragile mRNA with a protective greasy foam.

Neither vaccine component has been identified as a common allergen. However, some experts have carefully pointed out polyethylene glycol, or PEG. This is a slightly different formula, but it may be included in both recipes. PEG is found in a variety of medicines such as ultrasonic gels, laxatives and injectable steroids, and allergies are extremely rare.

Dr. Kulvilla said that something else could still be the cause and further investigation is needed to determine the cause of the scattered events.

Dr. Kimberly Blumenthal, an allergist and immunologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, said anaphylaxis can be difficult to identify without a blood test looking for an enzyme called tryptase that is released during an allergic reaction. She added that it is essential to have the protocol in place so that similar cases can be investigated further.

According to data filings from late clinical trials, Moderna has not reported a link between vaccines and anaphylaxis. However, rare side effects can occur as the product becomes more widely distributed from closely monitored studies.

Recent allergic reactions associated with Pfizer’s very similar vaccine have sparked heated debate in an advisory panel discussion held this month by the FDA and CDC, experts point out that anaphylaxis appears to occur at an unusual frequency. Did. (Under normal circumstances, allergic reactions to vaccines are thought to occur at a rate of about one in a million.)

Denise Grady and Noah Weiland contributed to the report.

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