Sucking Weeds Increases Risk During Coronavirus Crisis – BGR
- Physicians warn that weed intake can be a risk factor for COVID-19, even when marijuana use is moderate and infrequent.
- Marijuana, Like a cigaretteTrigger an inflammatory response in the lungs before the new coronavirus calms down and triggers its own inflammatory response.
- Users are advised not to smoke during a health crisis. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, tell your doctor about marijuana behavior.
- For more stories, visit the BGR homepage.
If you find it a good idea to smoke joints here and there to relieve stress and anxiety during these problematic times, you may want to reconsider. Doctors warn that even casual ingestion of marijuana is a risk factor for COVID-19 patients. Research already shows that New coronavirus is worse for smokersAnd weeds can be just as dangerous. The problem with smoking any substance is that they can cause inflammation in the lungs Before Arrival of SARS-CoV-2 virus, which can cause COVID-19 disease.
“What happens to the respiratory tract when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, and very similar to the type of inflammation caused by cigarette smoking,” said the American Lung Association. Dr. Albert Rizzo Chief Medical Officer Said CNN. “This creates inflammation of the respiratory tract and infections on it, so yes, you can get even more complicated.”
“Marijuana burns at a much lower temperature than commercial tobacco,” said Dr. Mitchellgrass, a respiratory physician, and a spokesman for the association. “So that person inhales a certain amount of unburned plant material.”
“In other words, some patients become more susceptible to bronchospasm and cough soon, making the airway more sensitive,” he said.
Doctors warn of other marijuana-related issues that could complicate the case of COVID-19. Chronic marijuana users, as well as smokers, may have coughs that can confuse doctors trying to diagnose the patient. Cough is a symptom of COVID-19 but can be related to any kind of medical condition. People who smoke on a regular basis are also at risk of being hospitalized in a confused state. This can be an additional obstacle for physicians trying to decide whether to hospitalize or send the patient home.
“Now, a healthcare professional dressed and gloved, perhaps in chemical protective clothing, is trying to contact you. These are the things you should go home or enter the emergency room Or, in the worst case, if they need to install ventilation equipment, “said Glass. “They want those who agree and give informed consent to have full control over the thinking process.”
Your physician will advise you to be honest about your weed intake with your health care professional to ensure a proper diagnosis for COVID-19 patients. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) addressed the effects of COVID-19 on individuals with drug use disorders a few days ago and highlighted weeds in substances that could exacerbate COVID-19. “The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 to attack the lungs can be a particularly serious threat to or who smokes tobacco or marijuana.” Report notes.
Americans smoke more weeds than ever, CNN Elderly people are already at risk for developing COVID-19 complications, many of whom suffer from other medical conditions that can worsen their condition if infected with a new coronavirus.
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