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France launches Covid-19 vaccination program

France launches Covid-19 vaccination program
France launches Covid-19 vaccination program


The first vaccination against Covid-19 will take place in France, and one million older people will be vaccinated by February as doctors seek to increase confidence in the vaccine among the general public. ..

The first person to get the vaccine yesterday (December 27th) was Morreset, 78. She was injected at the Renemure Hospital in Seine-Saint-Denis. The doctor then observed and confirmed that she was responding well to the treatment.

Morreset after her vaccination Said: “I was very impressed.” The other nine also received the jab.

At the same hospital, cardiologist Jean-Jacques Monsuez was also vaccinated, demonstrating safety and increasing confidence in the vaccine. He is over 65 years old.

Further vaccinations were also given at the Champmaillot Elderly Care Center in Dijon, Côte d’Or, one of the areas most affected by Covid-19.

Prior to each vaccination in France, the healthcare professional asks the patient again if he / she agrees to be vaccinated. This is not required, but recommended.

An old man vaccinated at Champ My Lot said he had agreed to be vaccinated because he was “afraid of illness and could not survive this way.”

“The end of this fad”

In Dijon, Professor Pierre Jouanny, a geriatric medical expert at CHU Hospital in the city, was vaccinated.

He belongs to the risky category as an elderly healthcare professional and “received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to show that he must absolutely trust this vaccine. All the elements are here, It shows that we can finally take action to end this epidemic. “

About the vaccination itself, he said News service FranceInfo: “I didn’t feel almost anything. [But there was] Some emotions are involved because the camera and many people are looking at it. “

He added: [the vaccine] Like all senior care professionals, for the flu I get every year. “

At the time, Professor Juany had no side effects, but admitted that it was possible, although unlikely to be serious.

He states: “As soon as you produce antibodies that stimulate your immune system to protect you from the disease, like all vaccines, you run the risk of developing a small amount of fever and muscle aches.

“It seems to be producing a little more, but after taking a few paracetamol tablets, it returns to normal within 24-48 hours.”

He said, “I’m going to see my 90-year-old mother, who is less scared now.” I advised. If it is no longer “circulating in the body”.

Similarly, the Covid-19 vaccine requires two injections to be effective. The first injection and another injection about a month later.

France aims to vaccinate 1 million people by February, so 23 more facilities are scheduled to begin vaccination today.

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