According to nutritionists, these are the best diets for heart health
Even if your ticker is in the best shape, health professionals want you to eat more Foods that are good for the heart.. Really. “”Eat for a healthy heart Is one of the best tools for Fight heart diseaseChris Rosen Bloom, a registered dietitian based outside of Atlanta and author of “Diet and Fitness After Age 50: Eat, Work, and Get Well,” is the number one cause of death in the United States. “This is especially important. Heart disease doesn’t just happen at the age of 66 Or later heart attack, It begins in childhood and progresses throughout life. “
How does a good diet for the heart work?
That diet Support your heart It’s not really a diet in itself. This is a flexible roadmap that encourages you to eat more foods that are good for your heart, but fewer foods are associated with cardiovascular disease. why? “There are many factors in heart disease, inflammation Sonya Angelone, a registered dietitian in San Francisco and a spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition, said today that it is at the heart of the disease. “Over-processed foods, low-fiber refined grains, processed seed oils, and a small number of fruit and vegetable diets can cause inflammation and heart disease over time, but you’re in good health. If you have Anti-inflammatory diet, You will reduce your risk. “
Eating for better heart health does not require counting calories, but it emphasizes partial management and maintaining a healthy weight.Because it’s expensive Body mass index, Or BMI may increase some risk factors for heart disease, including:
What does the study say about a good diet for the heart?
If you’re wondering what a healthy diet does to your mind, the answer is a lot of good!According to the American Heart Association, a heart-focused diet low in saturated fat can reduce harmful LDL cholesterol by maximum. 10-15%.. Why is it important?Studies show that people with LDL cholesterol levels Less than 100 mg / dL You are less likely to get heart disease. A diet for heart health is also low in sodium (contained in salt), which can further lower blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease.In fact, the low-salt diet is so effective the study It suggests that halving the amount of salt consumed can significantly reduce blood pressure in just four weeks.
Is a good diet for your heart good for you?
Eating lots of diet foods that are good for your heart doesn’t just prevent heart disease. It may also be:
What to eat with a heart-friendly diet
“Basically, a healthy diet is based on eating lots of produce and minimal processed foods every day,” Angelone said. When planning a list of foods that are good for your heart American Heart Association..The definition of a good diet for the heart varies These minimally processed Whole Foods:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains
- Beans and legumes
- Nuts and seeds
- Low-fat dairy products
- fish
- Skinless poultry
- Olive, canola, avocado oil
Foods rich in saturated fats, refined sugars, and sodium can contribute to heart disease, so the American Heart Association also recommends:
You will want to reduce saturated fat, refined sugar, sodium Reduce or avoid These foods:
- Beef, pork, mutton
- Deli meat and cold cut
- Poultry with skin
- Pizza, burritos, tacos
- Bread, bagels, bread rolls
- Can soup
- Butter, cheese, cream
- Whole milk and 2% milk
- Coconut and palm oil
- Sweet drinks such as soda, sweet tea and latte
- Candy
- Desserts such as cakes, cookies, donuts and ice cream
What does a healthy meal day look like?
This sample menu provides ideas for what is considered a healthy heart diet. This is what you might eat with a healthy diet plan for the heart of the day:
- breakfast: Dice-cut pear and chopped nut oatmeal
- lunch: Grilled chickpeas and vegetables Kinoa bowl
- snack: Sugar-free, fat-free, fat-free Greek yogurt and berries
- Dinner: Grilled salmon or tuna, sautéed spinach, baked potatoes
An example of a good diet for the heart
You may be surprised to find that no good diet for the heart is the best. In particular, there are some plans that have a strong track record.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of a diet for heart health?
“Healthy, I can’t think of a single scam,” Rosen Bloom said. “Eating for heart health is good for the brain, to keep weight in a healthy range, and to prevent high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.”
But if you don’t eat much fruit, vegetables, or whole grains, or if you can’t imagine a meatless life as a main dish, this diet may be a little overwhelming at first. “It may be helpful to know that this way of eating doesn’t require expensive food and you don’t have to give up all of your favorites,” Rosen Bloom said. “Eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce the amount of meat and high-fat foods, eat fiber-rich foods, and make small changes.” Don’t know where to start?Start slowly with some preparation Mental health recipe Once or twice a week.
Is a good diet for the heart effective in the long run?
This style of diet doesn’t just protect you from the onset of heart disease. It is also useful for people who already have heart problems. For example, if someone who has undergone coronary artery bypass surgery or who has a stent to open a cardiac artery eats this way, Rosen Bloom says that the artery is less likely to close again.
Experts agree that a diet that supports the heart is one of the best ways to improve heart health. “But that’s just part of the puzzle,” Rosen Bloom said. “After all, wise food choices, AerobicsDo not smoke, take the prescribed medications all work together and keep your heart healthy! “
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