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Federal government is considering non-quarantine options for vaccinated travelers

Federal government is considering non-quarantine options for vaccinated travelers


The government needs to determine the level of immunity needed before reopening the border, but Australia learns to co-exist because the virus is expected to become endemic, that is, because it is constantly circulating. I needed to.

“At some point, we need to accept that it comes through the population and make sure that the vaccine is distributed,” said Dr. Khorshid. “There is no doubt that these vaccines are not our border silver bullet. Quarantine will continue for months to come … The government decides that it wants the entire population to be vaccinated before we open. if you did this.”

The federal government launched a vaccination program in March, aiming to cover the entire population by the end of October, but some people cannot be vaccinated due to existing conditions.

The Federal Ministry of Health said forced hotel quarantine is an important pillar of virus repellent in Australia and is still considered the best way to deal with people arriving abroad. ..

“The Australian Government is considering a mechanism to approve the COVID-19 International Vaccination Certificate and alternative immigration and quarantine arrangements for the return of Australians who may have been vaccinated if safe. “There is,” said a spokesman for the ministry.

The federal government determines the number of people allowed to enter Australia, while the state government is responsible for health-related quarantine procedures.


New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian said he was worried that foreigners would not pass through the 14-day quarantine system.

“Until everyone is vaccinated, we basically have to maintain all the settings, including the quarantine system,” she said.

A spokesperson for the Victorian Department of Health said hotel quarantine would continue to limit the spread of the virus in the state.

Adam Kamrat Scott, an infectious disease epidemic and management expert at the University of Sydney, said Australia is likely to need some kind of hotel quarantine system over the next few years.

He said wealthy countries such as Australia would use pre-purchase contracts to buy limited amounts of vaccines, leaving poor countries inaccessible, leaving dangerous places.

It was also possible that the vaccine did not provide continuous immunity. This means that people will need regular doses as well as flu shots, making campaigns covering the world even more difficult.

“At this point, I [expecting] I’ll be living with the virus for at least the next five years, and the virus won’t go away, “said Kamrat Scott.

“I think we need to implement some form of hotel quarantine system for at least the next two years. If not more, we may need to restrict Australians from entering and leaving the country.”

A Qantas spokesman said the hotel would need to be quarantined until an effective vaccine was deployed. “Therefore, we do not expect international flights to resume on a real scale until the second half of 2021.

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