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Moderna: Latest News on COVID 19 Development in Canada on December 29th

Moderna: Latest News on COVID 19 Development in Canada on December 29th



Latest news on the development of COVID-19 Canada (Always eastern):

3:30 pm

Orthodontic service Canada There are 222 active COVID-19 cases in federal prisons.

The latest figures provided by the federal agency show that 815 prisoners tested positive for the disease caused by the new coronavirus have since recovered.

Saskatchewan Prison 88 is the most active case, 74 is Stoney Mountain Institution To Manitoba..

On Sunday, a prisoner at Stoney Mountain died in an outside hospital because correctional services described it as a natural cause after the diagnosis of COVID-19.

It was his third death in a federal prison during a pandemic.

3:20 pm

The· Northwest Territories Vaccination against COVID-19 says it will start in the week January 11..

Health Minister Julie Green It is said that the elderly are vaccinated first.

NWT received 7,200 doses modern I will be vaccinated on Monday night.

According to Green, NWT employs staff and works on logistics to deliver vaccines to 33 communities.

Green also said vaccine deployment plans for the region will be announced in early January.

2:55 pm

Health officials have announced another 208 new cases of COVID-19 Saskatchewan..

According to the state, 94 infections were found on Monday, but no more were reported to date, 114 cases were recorded.

There are 175 people in the COVID-19 hospital.

Authorities also reported that another 10 people were killed by the virus and that the state’s pandemic killed 151 people.

Ministry of Public Health To date, more than 2,000 healthcare workers have received their first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

2:05 pm

No new cases of COVID-19 Nunavut Territory today.

Nunavut Territory There are a total of 6 active cases, 4 of which Arviat And two Whale Cove..

Arviat And Whale Cove Insignificant businesses in both communities have been closed and travel is restricted, leaving them blocked.

To date, 259 Nunavut Territory Residents have recovered from COVID-19.

2 pm

There is one new case of COVID-19 Newfoundland And Labrador..

According to officials, the incident affects a man in his 40s, whose source of infection is being investigated by public health.

There are 19 COVID-19 activity cases in the state, with one hospitalized.

1:45 pm

Manitoba We report 133 new cases of COVID-19 and 5 additional deaths.

Deputy Chief of Public Health, State Dr. Jazz Atwal The state says it’s heading in the right direction, but residents have urged them not to give up following public health advice.

In particular, he says people shouldn’t get together at New Year’s Eve parties.

Atwal says the positive test rate for Manitoba is still too high and the vaccine is in its infancy.

1:40 pm

Quebec’s Minister of Health has urged the federal government to take stronger action to ensure that returning international travelers respect quarantine rules.

Christian duvet Also seeking Ottawa Require returnees to be inspected before boarding the plane, and require authorities to carry out a faster COVID-19 inspection at Canadian airports.

Dube says he is shocked and worried about reports that Quebec are partying at a destination in the south, and is worried about the increase in cases and hospitalization. Quebec..

He says Ottawa Agreed to implement the change from January, but he hopes the federal government will act more quickly.

1:15 pm

Federal officials say they have filed eight charges against travelers who did not pay attention to the warnings regarding mandatory quarantine rules.

Most people entering the country are required to quarantine for 14 days.

In today’s statement, the federal government states that 98.8 percent of cases where local law enforcement officers had to be involved resulted in compliance with the rules.

However, some of the more than 41,100 incidents brought something more.

The government states that police have issued 185 verbal warnings, 20 written warnings, 130 tickets and eight accusations.

This statement was issued in response to criticism that federal quarantine rules were not strictly adhered to.

12:35 pm

Prince Edward Island Today, we are reporting two new travel-related cases of COVID-19.

The new cases are not related to each other, but women in their thirties and men in their late teens.

Both individuals traveled outside Atlantic Canada I have been isolated since I arrived in the state.

Prince Edward Island There are six active reported cases of COVID-19, with a total of 96 cases reported since the onset of the pandemic.

12:15 pm

Ontario Tomorrow, I will be vaccinated with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for the first time.

Retired generation Rick HillerLeading the state’s vaccine program says that approximately 50,000 doses will be delivered to four sites and then redistributed to long-term care facilities and retirement homes.

He states that vaccination should be started at these sites within 48-72 hours after vaccination.

Vaccination Ontario It was also expected to return to full operation today after being scaled down during the holidays.

Hillier said he called for the clinic to be closed Christmas And Boxing day It was a “wrong decision”.

12:15 pm

New Brunswick Today, we are reporting two new cases of COVID-19.

In the new case, people in their twenties Edmanston Area and someone in their 50s Bathurst range.

Both cases have been quarantined and are under investigation.

The number of active infections reported in the state is 31, with 3 patients hospitalized for the disease and 2 receiving intensive care.

11:15 am

Ontario Reported approximately 4,500 new cases of COVID-19 in two days.

According to the state, 2,553 new infections were recorded today and 1,939 new infections on Monday.

Local COVID-19 data was not released yesterday due to a holiday.

Of today’s total, 895 Toronto, 496 Peel area, 147 WindsorEssex, 144 Hamilton And 142 York region..

Health Minister Christine Elliott 34,112 tests were completed on Monday and 39,565 were completed the day before.

11:15 am

Nova Scotia Today, we are reporting two new cases of COVID-19.

Currently, 30 cases of infection have been reported in the state.

One new case is in the central zone and is associated with close contact with previously reported cases, and the other is in the northern zone and is associated with travel outside. Atlantic Canada..

Currently, one person is hospitalized for this illness.

11:15 am

Quebec Reported 2,381 new cases of COVID-19 and 64 deaths from the new coronavirus, including 17 cases that occurred in the last 24 hours.

According to health officials, hospitalizations today increased by 7 to 1,131, with 148 in the intensive care unit. This is a decrease of 2 people.

The state states that it had given 2,857 vaccinations on Monday, for a total of 22,500 vaccinations.

10:40 am

Quebec The Minister of Health has identified the first case of the more contagious COVID-19 mutant identified first in the state. England..

Christian duvet Those who tested positive today said they were in the family of those who returned from United Kingdom on December 11th..

Health Department All three members of the traveler and his family were tested positive, but only one of them was found to have what is known as the “S” variant.

The variant is United Kingdom However, it has since spread to several other countries and has been confirmed by health authorities. British Columbia, Alberta And Ontario..

8:50 am

Yukon Minister of Health and Social Services Pauline Frost The territory says it received the first shipment modern Vaccines and arrivals mark a turning point Yukon Fight COVID-19.

According to Frost, 7,200 doses of vaccine will arrive on Monday, with more vaccines expected to ship in early January.

She states that the team will be trained in the safe storage, handling and delivery of vaccines before vaccination begins next week and will first immunize vulnerable groups such as high-risk caregivers and staff. ..

A total of 60 COVID-19s have occurred in the region, but none are currently active and 11 test results are still pending.

This report Canadian press First published December 29, 2020..

© 2020 The Canadian Press. all rights reserved. , Source Canadian Press Data File


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