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UAB Hospital on Vaccine Dose, UK Stocks, Increased Travel Number


UAB disease specialists will provide information on the COVID-19 vaccine and how to stay vigilant between doses. A surge in tourists can quickly mean a surge in COVID cases.

Huntsville, Alabama — UAB Hospital has received approximately 6,000 COVID-19 vaccines in the past week. But after you get your shot, your responsibilities don’t end.

“Vaccines are not a passport to a maskless society,” said Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, director of the UAB’s Infectious Diseases Division.

Dr. Marazzo says it is important for vaccinated people to avoid false reassurance.

One of the big problems is that it is still unclear how long the vaccine protection actually lasts. Dr. Marazzo said: So I don’t know how long the immunity will last. Therefore, even if you are vaccinated, you should assume that you may be vulnerable. ”

It is said that the hospital was able to meet the vaccine storage requirements and did not have to dispose of wasted doses.

Vaccinated people should be followed up with a second vaccination after the first injection. However, it is still possible that they will catch COVID during those visits. Dr. Marazzo said: Given our infection rate, we are infected. “

Dr. Marazzo answers that question as follows: That’s what we literally understand in real-world time. ”

Alabama is already in a tough position in the fight against COVID-19. “We are now the third largest per capita COVID hospitalization in the country,” Dr. Marazzo told reporters.

New, and perhaps more contagious, coronavirus variants from the United Kingdom are already paving the way for the United States

The first case was reported on Tuesday.

Relation: Colorado reports the first US case of the first COVID-19 variant found in the United Kingdom

Dr. Marazzo says he was able to feel the impact here. She adds: “For now, I think the vaccine will protect us from that strain. But is it possible that it will become a reality? Still, here in the United States, faster transmission is possible. Absolutely To ”

UAB Hospital on Record-Breaking Holiday Travel Numbers

Over the past few days, we’ve seen the number of travelers who broke previous records during the pandemic. This surge in travelers could quickly mean a surge in COVID cases.

On December 27, approximately 1.3 million travelers passed through an American airport. This is the highest number I’ve seen during a pandemic. UAB Hospital says people traveling for vacation are constantly working on them while they work to stop the spread.

I heard from Dr. Jeanne Marazzo, director of the UAB’s Infectious Diseases Division. “This will probably signal a surge on top of a surge,” she said.

Dr. Marazzo says the spread of the holidays will catch up with us. She adds: “We haven’t recovered from the Thanksgiving reverberation yet. If Christmas is any sign, we’ll probably see more cases.”

The hospital exceeded the limit with more than 200 COVID patients earlier this week. Dr. Marazzo accompanied the patient during the Christmas holidays and said the statistics did not reflect the devastation of some experiences. She told reporters: “Last week, we saw a large number of patients with pneumonia, bacterial infections, blood clots, and strokes in the intensive care unit. COVID.”

Dr. Marazzo predicts that the number of inpatients could surge in the next two weeks, based on the trends we see. “It could be as many as 400 patients, which is twice as much as it is today,” she said.

UAB Hospital is considering the possibility of taking emergency measures. Dr. Marazzo said: “I don’t call it a crisis yet. There are official crisis mode activities that we haven’t done yet, which involves attracting additional people, but those activities and their plans are appreciated. That is, we must be ready to do it. ”

This can mean that the “selective surgery” that is absolutely necessary for many may be discontinued. Dr. Marazzo said: It really is a position that makes us very uneasy. ”

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Relation: One person killed in an early morning house fire in Athens

Relation: ADPH introduces new COVID-19 dashboard and includes vaccine number

Relation: Colorado reports the first US case of the first COVID-19 variant found in the United Kingdom

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