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Book Charlotte County Vaccine Booked Until Early January

Book Charlotte County Vaccine Booked Until Early January
Book Charlotte County Vaccine Booked Until Early January


Charlotte County

The Florida Department of Health in Charlotte County says it has already been booked by early January. Scheduled to start vaccination For the coronavirus on Wednesday.

The woman we talked to said she spent three hours trying to book a place she was unlucky.

“What about all these really old people in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s who don’t have a computer, don’t have enough visibility to see it, or can’t sit in front of it,” Paula De Rienzo said. Stated. “How are they going to be vaccinated?”

We went to Harold Avenue Regional Park on Tuesday night. There, Charlotte County will distribute the first vaccine in the morning.

On the bright side, there were no lines in Charlotte County after hundreds of people succeeded in scheduling. However, as mentioned above, it was not a smooth voyage for everyone.

We talked to people waiting for the vaccine at North Fort Myers Park and Recreation Center in Lee County. They were seizing the opportunity to get the vaccine seriously.

“It’s too scary. I haven’t come across such scary things for 75 years, so I’ll wait all night to get the vaccine,” said David Curtis.

David and his wife, Joan Curtis, were ready to line up for 16 hours because they wanted a regular shot.

“I got a call from a neighbor,” said David. “And we left within 5 minutes.”

“I brought some games. I brought dinner. I’ll have breakfast tomorrow morning,” Joan said.

For them and many of their age, the new vaccine is nothing new.

“I was one of the kids in my class to be a polio pioneer. I think I was in second grade,” said David. “The world when we grow up is very different from what you are growing up now.”

Streyffeler agreed with David’s shared feelings about today’s vaccine.

“That was, if the doctor told you to do it, you just did it,” said clinical psychologist Dr. Laura Strayferer. “Now people are doing different research. There is a lot of information.”

Streyffeler said that the generation raised on the Internet has different views on many things, and vaccines are no exception.

“Vaccines weren’t what you thought a few years ago. They were what you did,” Streyffeler said. “You vaccinate your child before school. There is something you did, and people didn’t ask them the way they studied them now.”

Ask Joanne and David Curtis, this time it’s different

“This is much more serious,” Joan said.

“Just looking at mortality rates around the world and in the United States, that is, no one can stop it,” said David.

There are no plans here in Charlotte County until January 8th, as routes continue to expand in Lie County.

The county said it would check the website on January 6 to see when more appointments would be held.

People who are lucky enough to make a reservation will take their first dose at Harold Avenue Regional Park on Wednesday.

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