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Vaccination brings light of hope, but an imminent strict blockade


After the hope for the first Covid-19 vaccine sprouted here yesterday, today the public faces the prospect of a strict Level-5 blockade that could last for weeks.

A previously unscheduled government meeting will take place later today, after incidents and hospitalizations hit record highs.

The Ministry of Health has identified nine new Covid-related deaths and 1,546 new cases, including 444 in Dublin, 203 in Cork and 87 in Limerick.
This brings the total number of deaths to 2,213 and the number of cases to 88,439. The number of hospitalized patients has increased to 411, and the number of ICU patients is now 34.

The Cabinet will discuss whether the country will be completely closed for up to 6 weeks or more. Ministers will consider whether to reintroduce a non-mandatory 5km travel limit and a ban on home visits, and whether to close non-mandatory retailers.

Sources say every effort will be made to keep schools and non-essential retailers open. One option that has been discussed is to open school later than usual after Christmas holidays.

Continuing Education Minister Simon Harris said people should now listen to the advice of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Dr. Tony Holohan and stay home for the New Year’s Eve celebration tomorrow night.

“Complete no no”

“The New Year’s Eve party is completely no-no. The government decides whether to update that decision, but the advice of the Chief Health Officer is sufficient for me. He has told us over the past few days. , Please reduce your social contact, and try to stay home. “

Harris said the arrival of vaccinations in Ireland is a bright time, but if the virus spreads unchecked, it could be a “really dark period.” He said all restrictions would be considered.

“The Cabinet will not hold a second meeting within three days just to share Christmas greetings. We have to see what people can tolerate and deal with as people. There are many things to consider, but the government does not have to make a decision to follow the advice to keep the family safe. “

Previously, a 79-year-old grandmother from Dublin was first vaccinated at St. James Hospital with the Covid-19 vaccine, followed by medical staff.

Annie Lynch was visibly pleased to get the vaccine.

    Deborah Cross, a nurse manager at the clinic, and Annie Lynch, 79, vaccinated against Covid-19.Photo: Mark O'Sullivan
Deborah Cross, a nurse manager at the clinic, and Annie Lynch, 79, vaccinated against Covid-19.Photo: Mark O’Sullivan

“Like everyone else, I was waiting for the vaccine, and I really feel like there’s a little hope right now,” she said. “It’s great that it’s here.”

There is a 21-day wait before each person is given a second dose of the vaccine.

Infectious disease consultant Professor Mary Hogan and other staff at Cork University Hospital were also shot yesterday.

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said he plans to vaccinate 20,000 people by mid-January, based on the current vaccine supply.

He said the government is following clinical advice on the deployment of the program.

“We’re going to do it right, we’re going to do it safely and efficiently,” Donnelly said of RTÉ. News at one..

According to Housing Minister Darag O’Brien, the vaccine is given seven days a week and the clinic is open until late at night.

“Be vigilant”

“Forget to pay attention to the ongoing risk of the Covid-19 epidemic and protect public health, especially given concerns about the spread of the disease and increased hospitalizations as vaccination programs are deployed. Don’t. Advice in our daily lives, “said CMO Holohan.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that 960 people from Limerick, Claire and North Tiperary were unable to book the Covid-19 test scheduled during Christmas.

The Midwestern Public Health Service, which compiled the numbers, urged locals to participate in pre-booked tests. This figure indicates that between December 24th and December 28th, 715 people missed a reservation at the Limerick test center. There are 576 people at the county’s main test center and 139 people at a pop-up facility near St. John’s Hospital.

During the same period, another 138 did not participate in the test at the North Tiperary and 107 failed the test at Claire.


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