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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Image summarizing Covid’s “catastrophe” in the United Kingdom

Covid 19 Coronavirus: Image summarizing Covid’s “catastrophe” in the United Kingdom



The patient will be removed from the ambulance at Royal London Hospital on December 30th.Photo / Getty Images

This is a disturbing sight that is currently occurring outside the UK’s major hospitals. With the proliferation of coronavirus cases and new, more contagious strains sweeping the country, ambulance lines are full of patients with inaccessible wards.

Britain’s new peak in the incident is called the new “catastrophe.”

This strain is less deadly than the previous Covid-19 strain, but is said to be up to 70% more infectious. And the more people who get infected with the virus, the more people get seriously ill with the virus.

Yesterday, UK health officials, who make up about 80% of the UK’s population, reported 50,000 new Covid-19 cases and nearly 1000 deaths. This is 10 times the April peak of the first wave.

Test rates in the UK were significantly lower than they are today, and many cases were missed, but yesterday’s numbers were highest as tests became more widely available. Cases are also increasing in other parts of the UK, such as Scotland and Wales.

Deaths are approaching the same levels seen at the peak of April.

“We are entering a very dangerous new phase of the pandemic, a decisive early stage to prevent the January and February catastrophes,” said Andrew Heyward, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at University College London. National action will be needed. ” BBC.

Pictures of ambulances parked outside the hospital are beginning to appear, and patients (many of whom are infected with the virus) are being treated in vehicles rather than in wards.

Earlier this week, the ambulance line was outside Royal London Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the capital.

A spokesman for the Baht National Medical Services (NHS) Trust, which operates the hospital, told the BBC that “we are facing great pressure from the high hospitalization rate of COVID-19 and the winter demand for non-Covid.”

“Increasing demand and strong infection control measures have treated some patients arriving in the emergency department from ambulances until cubicles are available.”

The need to isolate patients with coronavirus from other patients is another factor that puts a strain on hospitals.

“Hospital at the limit”

Some hospitals in London account for more than 99% of beds, according to figures from the UK public health provider NHS.

On Wednesday, more than 15 ambulances lined up outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city.

Express & Star, a local Birmingham newspaper, said palliative care doctor Rachel Clark tweeted a photo taken by registrar Penis Kempegoda with the caption “Everyone has a sick patient.” I reported.

“This is Covid’s reality. It’s a hospital at the limit,” she added.

The vast region of the United Kingdom is currently under so-called “Tier 4” measures. These are Covid-19’s highest limits, effectively trapping people in their homes, except for grocery shopping and other important activities.

In the United Kingdom, only the areas around Yorkshire and Liverpool are not included in the top layer of this limit.

On Wednesday, the United Kingdom approved the use of the Oxford University-AstraZeneca vaccine.

Starting next week, 500,000 doses will be available, allowing up to 100 million orders.

The vaccine will be given twice. The first jab followed by a second inoculation up to 3 months later.

According to unpublished data, the Oxford vaccine is 70% effective with a single dose, and that number increases with subsequent jabs.

Oxford vaccines may be less effective than rival vaccinations, but they have the advantages of lower manufacturing costs and much easier transportation.


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