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Lake County News, California-Lake County Public Health Officer reports on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and continues to seek precautions

Lake County News, California-Lake County Public Health Officer reports on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and continues to seek precautions
Lake County News, California-Lake County Public Health Officer reports on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine and continues to seek precautions


Lake County, Calif.-Lake County public health officials reported that hundreds of local health care workers were vaccinated against COVID-19 as the vaccine continued to roll out.

Dr. Gary Pace said Wednesday that cases of COVID-19 continue to grow in Lake County.

“The hospital is full, but fortunately it’s not overwhelmed yet,” he said.

According to public health, the county had a total of 1,819 cases on Wednesday, with 1,568 recovering cases and 23 deaths.

According to public health, 12 people are hospitalized, bringing the total number of hospitalizations during a pandemic to 102.

“Now is the most dangerous time to send because there is a Christmas holiday behind us and New Year’s Day is already here. People are indoors and many are gathering more than advice,” Pace said. Told. “The more precautions we take in the next few days, the less impact we will see in the coming weeks.”

Distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine began two weeks ago. According to Pace, the Ministry of Health has been vaccinated about 1,300 times so far and “is vaccinated as quickly as possible.”

Pace said public health follows the priorities of the California Community Vaccine Advisory Board.

These guidelines prioritize Phase 1a, which includes healthcare providers, first responders, and skilled nursing facility staff.

He said the goal was to enable hospital staff, nursing home staff, and medical first responders to “work healthy during our surge.”

Pace said more than 600 people in the group had been vaccinated so far.

Local hospitals (Satter Lakeside and Adventist Health Clear Lake), emergency medical services, and all three skilled nursing facilities immunize most staff interested in vaccination. Pace said the second vaccination would take place within a few weeks.

The first tier also includes several collective lives, including home support service workers serving multiple homes, public health staff, primary care clinics, prison medical staff, and skilled nursing facilities. There are facilities. Some individuals in these groups are beginning to be vaccinated, according to Pace, and plans to expand to all interested people need to begin next week.

He said staff at other medical facilities, such as specialty clinics, laboratory workers, dental clinics and pharmacy staff, will be contacted about plans within the next few weeks, depending on the amount of vaccine available to the health department. It was.

According to Pace, guidelines for the next layer, Phase 1b, are currently under development.

“Phase 1b” includes essential workers such as teachers, law enforcement, farmers, food service industry, public transport, as well as people over the age of 74 and people with chronic illness. Guidelines on how to prioritize this group will be coming soon.

“We know exactly when and where the’Phase 1b’group will be vaccinated because we know what supplies are available and how the state is instructing the use of the vaccine,” said Pace. Mr. says. “We may set up a special vaccine clinic with our volunteer staff and a consistent partner, the EMS team, and work with pharmacies, clinics and hospitals.”

The pace was added as follows: “These next few weeks can be very difficult. Take extra steps to be careful, but don’t lose hope. Things will almost certainly get better in the next few months, And I think we can see more normal life possibilities in spring and summer. “

Latest information on test service

Pace provided the latest information on COVID-19 inspection services in the county.

He said the drive-through COVID-19 test will be available from Berrilee from January 4th to 7th.

The test will take place on Monday, January 4th, from 9am to noon and on Tuesday, January 5th, at Clearlake.

The Lakeport will be tested on Wednesday, January 6th, from 9am to noon and on Thursday, January 7th.

Register at or call the Public Health Department at 707-263-8174.

Starting Friday, January 8th, OptimServe’s new indoor test site will open.

At Lakeport, the test will take place Monday, Friday and Saturday from 7am to 7pm at the Sylvaira Community Center at 500 N. Main St.

Lower Lake will be tested on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7 am to 7 pm at Lower Lake Town Hall on Main Street 16195.

Pace said both OptimServe sites will test children. Any insurance is accepted. There is no cost if you do not have insurance. You can book at or by calling 888-634-1123. Bringing in is also welcome.

In addition, Clearlake’s Rite Aid offers drive-through testing. Project baseline..

Email Elizabeth Larson This email address is being protected from spambots. JavaScript must be enabled to display... Follow her on Twitter, @ ERLarson, or Lake County News, @ LakeCoNews.


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