Covid Vaccine: British Doctors Criticize Reschedule Second Vaccine | Society
Plans to delay the second dose of Covid vaccine to more than 500,000 people who received the first jab are potentially unethical, wasting time and causing confusion among patients. And caused a protest among doctors.
government Announce changes Wednesday’s Covid vaccination strategy stated that a second dose of the newly approved Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine and the previously approved Pfizer / BioN Techjab would be given up to 12 weeks after the first dose. It was.
This move applies to those who plan to take Pfizer Jab twice after January 4th, and those who have not yet received either Jab. The government said it hopes that this approach will allow as many people as possible to prevent the disease to some extent soon.
But the announcement caused controversy, and Pfizer and BioNTech warned The best protection against Covid required two doses of the vaccine, and there was no evidence that the first dose alone provided protection after 3 weeks.
Azim Majid, a professor of primary care and public health at Imperial College London and a practitioner of general practitioners, said he was shocked by the change in plans.
“There are thousands, and in some cases tens of thousands, of people who have already booked a second jab. These are all elderly people, so make special arrangements for care or defeat someone. It’s a lot of work for people because someone has to call all these patients to cancel and rebook their appointments, “he said.
“Obviously, the people who make these rules are not the ones who need to enforce them. I understand the rationale for the government to increase the supply of vaccines to ensure vaccination. I think I was able to do it for those who are just starting out, rather than canceling those who have already been booked. It’s destructive. “
A doctor who spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity said he wanted to continue the original schedule of the second dose rather than canceling the appointment, otherwise the most vulnerable patients would be at risk and to the patient. He said his promise would be broken.
Alison Boram, GP of the Horfield Health Center in Bristol, said her practice would take a similar approach. “If someone gets the first vaccine now, the second vaccine will be 10-12 weeks later, but those who have already been vaccinated will get the second vaccine as originally planned.”
The British Medical Association said it was unreasonable and unfair to expect the practice of canceling and rebooking a patient’s appointment for a second dose.
Dr. Richard Vautrey, Chair of the BMA GP Committee, said: Vaccination in the next 2 weeks. “
Vautrey called on the government to publish a scientifically validated justification for the new approach, adding that rebooking reservations poses major logistical problems. “BMA believes in existing commitments made to these patients. NHS And local clinicians should be respected. If the GP decides to respect these reserved appointments in January, BMA will support them, “he said.
Dr. Helen Salisbury, GP and medical adviser to the Health Experience Research Group at Oxford University, tweeted by the Minister of Health Matt HancockIt should help you call her elderly patient and explain why the second jab was delayed. She said the primary care network needs to cancel and rebook 1,160 appointments.
“One phone call takes 5 minutes and takes 193 hours of work, not to mention sadness and anger.” She tweeted..
Salisbury Asked the General Medical Council To give advice. “I was instructed to break my promise to older patients and use the vaccine outside of a proven and approved schedule. I’m probably putting them at risk. Please let me know.”
Her comments unleashed a surge in response from others GPSThere is also the question of whether it is ethical to delay the second dose if the patient agrees to the first dose, assuming that the patient will receive the second dose three weeks later.
The British Medical Association said it had sent a letter to Hancock and others involved in changing the strategy for Pfizer vaccines. “Patients disagree with treatment and cannot change treatment without permission, especially if there is a lack of evidence of change,” he said.
Dr. Vinesh Patel, GP partner and spokesman for DAUK’s GP committee, said the use of Pfizer jabs outside the attempted vaccination regime was a big bet.
However, others welcomed the change in approach. Dr. Ed Turnham, GP of Norwich, said the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency said: Congrats For that “brave and practical decision”.
“I think most of our older patients are happy that this reduces the delay in protecting friends and relatives and reduces the risk of overwhelming the hospital,” he says. Tweet..
Professor Martin Marshall, chairman of the Royal College of General Practicing, sympathized with the Royal College of General Practitioners and their patients, but said the new strategy would benefit.
The Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization “has filed a convincing proceeding that this is the best way to protect as many people as possible from the virus. This is the decision made,” he said. Told.
But he added, “The NHS England guidance allows clinical discretion to give a second vaccination if needed, and it is important to respect it when using it.” It was.
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