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Montgomery County: COVID Vaccination Site on MCCC Campus Opening January 6 | News


NOPRRISTOWN — It looks like one set of numbers is finally down, but the other is finally up rapidly.

Montgomery County Commissioner Chair Dr. Valerie Arkuche tells her Last updated in 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic on Wednesday announced a slight drop in county positive rates, an increase in the number of vaccinations, and the launch of a new vaccination site next week.

“We are finally at the beginning of the end of this pandemic. Vaccination allows us to fight the virus head-on, but for now we have to continue to defend it,” she said. It was.

Beginning January 6, the county’s Public Health and Public Security Department will begin operating the county’s Category 1A vaccine clinic at the Montgomery County Community College’s Bluebell Campus in Decalve Pike, Whitpan.

“Assuming we have enough vaccines, the planned throughput is 1,000 people per day,” says Arkoosh.

Individual 1A category She said it includes all types of health care providers, dentists, home care workers, dialysis providers, personal care home care workers, and people working in community group homes and mental hospitals.Members of a group who do not yet have access to the vaccine through their employer You can apply through the county’s exclusive COVID-19 websiteYou can fill out a screening survey conducted on Wednesday afternoon.

“The Public Health Service will consider responding to the survey and will send a registration link to anyone in the 1A category above,” said Arkoosh.

“Please wait. I know that very many people want to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The rate-determining step here is the amount of vaccine the county receives. Fill out the survey and line up. Please line up at. We will get back to you as soon as possible. “

Latest figures: As of Wednesday afternoon, a total of 27,250 COVID-19 vaccines were delivered to hospitals in Montgomery County, and CVS or Walgreens hosted vaccination clinics in six county care facilities over the past week. did. The county itself received an additional 2,000 vaccinations this week, a total of 4,000 vaccinations, and vaccinations for emergency medical institutions and emergency personnel. Started on monday..

“By the end of today, we plan to vaccinate nearly 700 people,” said Arkoosh.

After December 29thThe county recorded 298 new cases of COVID-19 in the county, for a total of 32,739 cases. Of these new cases, 22 are from long-term care facilities, 2 are from other congregation settings, and 274 are from the community. These positive tests are from 53 of the county’s 62 municipalities, and individuals in that group range from 1 to 96 years.

Of those who have been confirmed positive since the pandemic began, “I’m sorry to confirm that five more Montgomery county residents died on COVID-19 and 1,007 died,” Arkoosh said. Said.

Of these five, three died in hospitals, two died in long-term care facilities, and five were between the ages of 53 and 94. Overall, a total of 521 women and 486 men died from the disease in the county. A total of 34 from the previous week.

As of December 25, the county’s positive rate was “declining again”, with an average positive rate of 10.53% for 14 days, from 10.93% for the two weeks leading up to December 18 to 5% of Arkoosh. Much better. It is considered a virus suppression.

“We are all very focused on vaccines, but this pandemic has never diminished in our county,” Arkoosh said.

Only about 300 people were tested in the county on December 25, probably due to Christmas holidays, and the total number of hospitalizations dropped from 464 last week to 438, for a total of 54,295 in the two weeks leading up to December 25. Human inhabitants have been tested. , Decreased by 5,664 from 2 weeks until December 18th.

“We have to continue what we’ve been doing to manage this as much as possible until we have the vaccine we need for everyone in the area we want to vaccinate,” she says. I did.

After Halloween and Thanksgiving, there was a sharp increase in the number of positive cases, and the number of counties leveled off with about 330 new cases per day, but that number was seen before early November. Much more than, Arkoosh said.

“When planning for the year-end and New Year holidays, consider the impact of Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays on our community,” she said.

“We are all happy to say goodbye to 2020, but only celebrate with the people of your family.”

COVID test sites in all counties Closed Closed on January 1st at 2:00 pm on December 31st, after which only the Pottstown site opened on January 2nd, the rest of the sites reopened on January 4th, and the Ardmore site at 12:00 pm It opens late in 30 minutes. That day, the laboratory moved slightly “due to a significant puddle in what we finally call” Lake Ardmore, “” Arkuche said.

New as of Wednesday: County “Moncost Long” 2021 Restaurant Grant Program Applications are now being accepted with the county’s $ 5 million in economic development funding available to support the pandemic-affected local restaurants and other food service industries. Applications are open until January 8th and eligible individuals can receive up to $ 10,000 to cover rent, mortgages, utilities, PPE, salary, or other expenses.

“Applicants ordered to shut down due to public health breaches from the Montgomery County Public Health Service, including issues related to the COVID-19 epidemic, or intentionally on all legitimate COVID-19 mitigation orders issued by the Commonwealth. Violating applicants Pennsylvania may not apply after January 1, 2020. “

As of 2:00 pm on Wednesday, there were 140 applications for the program, and details and frequently asked questions are available at the following URL: County website..

“I’m really looking forward to supporting these businesses in this very difficult time,” she said.


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