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Delaying the second dose of covid vaccine is a “guts kick” for front-line NHS medical institutions.

Delaying the second dose of covid vaccine is a “guts kick” for front-line NHS medical institutions.


Scotland’s NHS doctor warned that front-line healthcare workers felt “abandoned” and “unsafe” with the decision to postpone the second dose of the covid vaccine.

Force Valley consultants blamed influential moves Thousands of healthcare professionals And vulnerable people.

They first Pfizer / BioNTech It was shot in early December and was scheduled to get a follow-up jab from January 5th.

However, the UK government changed course with a second approval Oxford / AstraZeneca Vaccine on Wednesday.

Authorities now want to give as many initial doses as possible from both drugs. This means that people may have to wait up to 12 weeks after the first injection.

“This is the first time I’ve been in a pandemic and dangerous,” said a consultant who didn’t want to be identified. For many of us, this is a guts kick.

“Every time I go to work, I don’t want to bring the virus home.

“I was excited to receive the first dose and expected a second dose soon. It feels like the government has moved the goalpost and abandoned many in this decision.”

The consultant stated that there was no evidence to support the decision and acknowledged that it was a concern that a large number of people would remain partially vaccinated during the rampage of the mutant strain. ..

An NHS doctor said, “It is unethical to change the date in this way because I agreed to the two doses. I feel disappointed and angry and worry that the patient may be at risk in the second wave. I am doing it. “

Criticism comes after Pfizer states that people only evaluated the vaccine on a two-dose system that was given jabs at 3-week intervals. “There are no data showing that protection after the first dose lasts after 21 days,” the company said.

Dr. Gregor Smith, Chief Medical Officer of Scotland, endorsed the plan of a joint committee on vaccination and vaccination with colleagues in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Gregor Smith, Chief Medical Officer, Scotland
(Image: Daily Record)

In a joint statement on Wednesday, health officials said: “Four UK Chief Health Officers prioritize the first dose of the vaccine to as many people on the priority list as possible at this stage of the pandemic so that those at risk are overall in the shortest possible time. It is endangered and has the greatest impact on mortality, severe illness, reduced hospitalization, and protection of NHS-equivalent healthcare services.

“This means that, operational, a second dose of both vaccines will be given towards the end of the 12-week recommended vaccination schedule, which means the number of people vaccinated. Will be maximized and will be vaccinated in the next 12 weeks. “

An email from NHS Force Valley Boss Cathy Cowan seen on the record explained the plan change to the staff.

“Please do not attend the second booking in January 2021 as you will be given a new attendance date within 12 weeks of your first booking,” the email said.

Dr. Richard Votry, chairman of the British GP Committee of the British Medical Association, criticized the change.

“It is terrible and clearly unfair for tens of thousands of our most endangered patients to try to reschedule their appointments now,” he said.

“With such a sudden notice, the decision to ask the GP to rebook the patient for three months would cause major logistics problems for almost all vaccination sites and clinics.

“For example, contacting just 2,000 older people and vulnerable patients requires a team of five staff in about a week of practice, which is simply unacceptable.”

At a Downing Street briefing Wednesday, JCVI Professor Weishenlim said that “the urgent urgency is the rapid and high level of vaccine intake” due to the current high levels of Covid infection.

“This will allow the maximum number of eligible people to be vaccinated in the shortest possible time, thereby protecting the maximum number of lives,” he added.


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