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Riverside Frontline Hero Get COVID-19 Vaccine – NBC Los Angeles

Riverside Frontline Hero Get COVID-19 Vaccine – NBC Los Angeles
Riverside Frontline Hero Get COVID-19 Vaccine – NBC Los Angeles


The next phase of vaccination is currently underway at Inland Empire, as the first responder in Riverside will receive the first COVID-19 shot.

According to the Riverside University Health System, the total number of COVID-19 cases recorded in the county has reached 180,553, compared to 180,537 on Wednesday, since the pandemic began in early March. Deaths from virus-related complications increased by 34 on Thursday to a total of 1,985. According to the authorities, the number of deaths is a follow-up indicator due to the delay in processing death certificates.

“I wanted to be one of the first lines of protection from now on,” said Michael Moore, Chief of the Riverside City Fire Department.

Moore said vaccination of firefighters as soon as possible was a top priority.

“One of my best friends, a Torrance firefighter, Ricky Cradle, got sick of COVID early on, because he was able to take him home nine months later last week. It was really close to my heart, “Moore said.

The chief also told us about his heartache Ken Kaley, a longtime friend and colleague.

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Caley was a retired Orange County Fire Authority equipment engineer who died of COVID-19 complications in April.

“So there were some important members near my heart that this horrific virus really killed them,” Moore said.

Fire officials said the first responders were in desperate need of vaccination.

“80-90% of our phones can now be COVID positive, which is everywhere,” said Captain Tim Struck.

Countries near the International Date Line, such as Australia, China and Taiwan, began ringing at fireworks in 2021.

Emergency management officials say exposure to COVID-19 has made too many first responders sick.

“It’s really important that they are protected from being pulled out of the staff,” said EMT spokesman Shane Rykart.

They want to stop spreading and hopefully be able to control it one shot at a time.

The situation is so serious that the National Guard is on the riverside. Robert Kovacik reported on NBC4 News on Tuesday, December 29, 2020.

“It’s been a while since the pandemic started almost a year ago, so I think this is the beginning of the endpoint,” said Deputy Secretary Rawain Khan.

According to RUHS, county-wide COVID-positive hospitalizations fell by 20 on Thursday to 1,464. This includes 296 patients in the intensive care unit, one less than the previous day. According to Bruce Barton, director of emergency management, hospital numbers are checked daily.

City News Service contributed to this report.


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