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New Year is coming to the COVID ward, hoping for the end of the nightmare


Nurses and doctors fighting the virus on the front lines became soldiers even after midnight, while the world was farewell to the pandemic in 2020.

ROME-The world said goodbye in 2020, a year when the pandemic caused billions of people suffering and suffering, but one of those who have been fighting the virus at the forefront even after midnight. The club became a soldier.

Doctors and nurses have barely reached the New Year at the Casal Palocco Vid 3 Hospital in the suburbs of Rome, as there tended to be 100 patients suffering from serious to serious illness as a result of coronavirus infection. It was like.

In one intensive care unit, all but one of a dozen beds was occupied. Medical staff took care of patients lying in a dimly lit room, dispensed medications, checked respiratory organs, and filled out medical records.

“This particular night (New Year’s Eve), like Christmas, Epiphany, past Easter and all other holidays, is a surreal night,” said night shift coordinator Dr. Paolo Petrassi. “As we knew forever, they are, for example, holidays separated from what was once the real world.”

A 53-year-old woman shared her now familiar experience with many of the medical professionals around the world who had to treat COVID patients. Patients need to be constantly monitored and their condition managed, each with its own complex problems.

More than 83 million people have been confirmed to be infected with the coronavirus worldwide, and more than 1.8 million have died. Along with the elderly, medical staff have been particularly hard hit, struggling to save patients a year ago when a colleague became ill with an illness that no one could have imagined.

“It was all unexpected,” Petrassi told The Associated Press.

Italy Early epicenter of the pandemic In Europe in the spring. Images of Italian nurses and doctorsExhausted when the protective gear was easily removed, a few months later, it became a harsh precursor to what would happen to colleagues in Spain, France, the United States and more.

It was again last month after the summer when Italy seemed to have defeated the tragedy The country with the highest death toll in Europe..And once again, the harsh reality Visible Of Italian medical staff.

“Now we’re approaching almost 12 months of this pandemic, but unfortunately it’s not yet possible to say it’s over,” Petrassi said. “We only have the hope of mass vaccination that will contribute to control. This ominous phenomenon.”

European regulators approved the first vaccine shortly before Christmas. Countries throughout the European Union began managing shots on December 27, but it will take a long time before a significant number of the 450 million inhabitants of the block are vaccinated.

Experts say that at least 60-70% of the population needs to be vaccinated to prevent the virus from gaining a foothold.

Petrassi hopes that the COVID nightmare will end soon.

“We are all in an uncertain situation, but at the same time we hope and do our best,” he said. “We use all of our professional and physical resources, knowledge and conscience to give up the free time of our families, us and our loved ones.”

“We are investing in all of these so that all these efforts are not wasted.”


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