The benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine outweigh its side effects
Covishield vaccine made in India gets emergency approval now. People are already afraid of the side effects of this vaccine, but within a few days this vaccine will be available to people as well. Today we try to disperse this fear.
Let’s explain the meaning ofEmergency use‘ to you. It is the government’s responsibility to provide the correct and safe medicine. The safety of medicines in this country is guaranteed by the Director of Drug Administration, and for this purpose only after the medicines have been checked, the human experimentation report has been checked and the results are completely satisfied Is open to the public and used.
Creating a safe vaccine is a long process and can take 8 to 10 years or more. If the drug is approved for use before the vaccine test is complete, it is known as an “emergency use authorization”.
Coronavirus is a disease about a year ago. The time to prepare the COVID-19 vaccine is really short. Although trials and trials of this vaccine are still underway, COVID-19 is a highly infectious and deadly disease, and new strains are now emerging. Therefore, this vaccine has been granted an “emergency use” authorization to block the coronavirus.
Emergency use is only permitted if the number of deaths and infections is very high due to a pandemic. Therefore, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks.
This means that the vaccine has been tested, and even during production, it has been tested and you do not have to be afraid of this vaccine. This vaccine is safe, but how effective it is, the numbers may continue to change.
Currently, a double dose of Covishield is believed to be about 69% effective, but this is only effective, not effective. Efficacy means that the vaccine was able to treat about 7 out of 10 people during the trial, but in reality how many people can treat it.
Usually, the people who take the exam are healthy and have no pre-illness. But when this vaccine is offered to the Indian people, only its effectiveness will be fully visible.
The good news is that about 5 out of 10 people want to get this vaccine and are waiting for their chance to come. In one study, about 4 out of 10 people are suspicious of the vaccine and only want to get this vaccine with sufficient knowledge.
People who don’t trust the vaccine at all don’t want to get this vaccine because they don’t trust it at all. One in ten people do not want to get this vaccine at all.
All vaccines have side effects
Let’s answer some questions about this vaccine. Immediately after birth, the BCG vaccine is usually given to children, who will protect them from dangerous illnesses such as tuberculosis in the future.
BCG vaccine also has side effects. Wherever this vaccine is given to the body, it leaves a mark for life. BCG vaccine can also cause short-term ulcers. However, this vaccine is so effective that minor side effects can be ignored. In medical terms, it is known as “supervised negligence.”
Doctors always advise that children may suffer from mild fever 24-48 hours after vaccination because the vaccine provides long-term protection, despite minor side effects.
This prescription should also be used for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Answer three important questions about coronavirus vaccines. First question: How safe is this vaccine? Before approving the vaccine, it was tested by thousands of people. Vaccines, whether in India or abroad, are only approved if they are completely safe.
To date, more than 300,000 rupees have been given a variety of COVID-19 vaccines, of which only a few suffer from side effects.
In India, after COVID-19 vaccination, the person is observed for 30 minutes and if anyone has side effects, they are treated immediately.
Second question: Do people want to know if they are immune to COVID-19 after the first dose? The answer to this is NO. You need to get this vaccine twice, the second one 14 days after the first one. Face masks, social distances, and hand sanitizers should be used regularly after the first dose.
Third question: How long will you remain protected after receiving the coronavirus vaccine? According to previous studies, the vaccine will continue to protect you for about 6 months. However, researchers say that despite the need for further research on this fact, vaccines boost our body’s immunity to process the virus over the years to come. ..
How do I get the vaccine?
Finally, how will it reach you after the government permits emergency use of this vaccine? The central government will airlift the vaccine to all states and transport it from the airport to the refrigerator car.
The vaccine is then stored in an ice box at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. They are then placed in a small ice box and transferred to a vaccination camp.
In the first phase, the vaccine is given only to doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Phase 2 is offered to police officers, journalists, sanitary workers, and people over the age of 50. The third stage is given to people under the age of 50 but sick.
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