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How to know when state residents get COVID-19 shots |

How to know when state residents get COVID-19 shots |


Michigan will still take months to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to the general public. And it’s unclear how or not to know when people will be shot. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has an initial goal of immunizing 70% of people over the age of 16, or about 5.6 million, by the end of 2021. State health officials have developed a two-step plan that prioritizes who will be vaccinated. Start vaccination with your healthcare professional and the residents of your nursing home. This is followed by other important jobs and groups who are at the highest risk of serious illness based on age and health. People in the UK will be notified by email when it’s time to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but the best way for Michigan residents to know when it’s their turn is to get the state’s COVID-19 vaccination. Check the website., According to state health authorities. Information on where to get the vaccine can be found at. VaccineFinder.orgA national website that lists the locations where vaccinations are available. “Once we start opening vaccines to more groups, we’ll post the clinic’s location on our website or in the vaccine finder,” said Bob Wheaton, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. “Until then, MDHHS will work with the community health sector to provide a targeted approach to vaccination of specific populations, and as we move to vaccination of different priority groups. We will contact you via the media. ”On the other hand, some experts are concerned that it is difficult to obtain information on the availability of vaccines and that they will not be vaccinated in the United States. It delays efforts to inoculate enough people to establish “mass immunity” against the virus. Tingondai, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University Carrie Business School and an expert on healthcare supply chain issues, said: “Many people can be left behind due to lack of proper notice.” My concern is that many patients may not come here to vaccinate. “State’s best Medical director Dr. Johnny Cardun said he expects the vaccine to be generally available by the end of spring, but Michigan seems to have made a slow start, as has states across the country. That’s right. In Michigan, as of Thursday, 86,636 of the 337,875 vaccinations shipped to the state were given to patients. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard figures, it is almost 26%. According to federal statistics, about 22% of the initial vaccine dose was given to patients nationwide. However, Michigan healthcare providers remain skeptical about who will be involved in future vaccination efforts. “How this is deployed depends on the availability of vaccines and the priorities established by MDHHS,” Henry Ford Health System spokesman David Olejarz was asked about the role of primary care physicians. I mentioned it when I was there. John Karasinsky, a spokesman for the Michigan Health Hospital Association, said the lack of information has already presented challenges for hospital planning. “When it comes to vaccine distribution, the hospitals have to schedule due to lack of certainty about vaccine allocation and when actual shipments will arrive in the first few weeks, making it logistically difficult. Hundreds or thousands of employees to get the vaccine, “said Karasinsky.

Planned advertising campaign

In Michigan, when it’s time to get the COVID-19 vaccine, people are notified “in different ways,” Wheaton of the State Department of Health said. Communication to inform people when and where to get vaccinated as the state progresses through distribution planning is coordinated through the State and Local Health Departments, he said. A state-wide advertising campaign will launch in January to reassure the public that vaccines are safe and direct people to the state’s vaccine website. For the latest vaccine information, Wheaton said. The $ 1.5 million campaign runs from late spring to early summer and includes radio, television, printed matter, and digital advertising. “In addition, when the priority group begins to be vaccinated, healthcare providers will contact patients in the priority group,” Wheaton said. The Michigan Health Department has also signed a $ 5 million contract with Brogan & Partners since January 2020 to provide vaccine-related advertising and outreach until September. The deal initially focused on the flu vaccine, but moved to COVID-19 when a pandemic occurred, Wheaton said. Philipberg Quist, head of health center operations for the Michigan Primary Care Association, said the federal-qualified health center represented by his group provides the COVID-19 vaccine to rural areas and hard-to-reach populations in the state. He said it would play an important role in doing so. In urban areas such as the homeless. “I think we all want to know a little more at this point,” Bergquist said when asked if there was enough information about the role the association would play. “I think we know everything we can know from a state communication perspective, but the vaccine delivery schedule and the amount or federal funding that the federal government allocates to Michigan at any given time. There is uncertainty about what will happen. ”Why the question remains Pfizer and Moderna have already mass-produced millions of double-dose vaccines. However, the federal government is taking time to provide them with information about where to ship their doses, said Die, a Johns Hopkins medical supply chain expert. He also said the lack of a centralized system to match the supply and demand of vaccines has delayed the state-level process of matching doses with healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics. “By now, most states have received much higher doses than they did,” Die said. “Whether you’re a healthcare professional or a resident of a nursing home, the speed of dose administration seems to be the current bottleneck.” The public and private sectors established by the Trump administration to quickly develop vaccines to end pandemics. Officials at Operation Warp Speed, a partnership, have estimated doses to be distributed by the end of 2020 from 40 million in mid-November to 20 million in early December. Several states, including Michigan, learned on December 16 that Pfizer vaccine doses were much lower than previously indicated by the end of the year. The protests against the reduction prompted an apology by Army General Gustav Perna, Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed. Mr Perna said the figures previously given to the state were based on “prediction” and the government was able to ship fewer doses than expected. He apologized for what he called “misunderstanding” and “misplanning.” In a Thursday interview about the NBC’s “Today” show, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said health leaders would give more people the first dose of a double-dose vaccine from Pfizer and Moderna. He said he was considering whether to provide it. Number of people. The federal government is currently withholding several vaccines to provide the second vaccination required 21 days after the first injection of Pfizer’s vaccine and 28 days after the first vaccination of Moderna’s vaccine. As of 9 am on Monday, approximately 11.4 million vaccines were distributed nationwide, well below the 20 million target. And 2.1 million of these doses were given to patients. That’s about 18.5%, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In some states, such as Ohio, the vaccine has not yet begun, according to Dai. Michigan’s distribution program prioritizes first vaccination of healthcare professionals in contact with COVID-19 patients, as well as nursing home patients and staff. “I know this virus is the murderer who prays for our most vulnerable population,” Gretchen Whitmer said at a meeting on Tuesday. “That’s why my administration has prioritized testing in nursing homes from the beginning.” “Currently, we have created a (vaccination) plan that prioritizes residents and staff.” West Michigan, the Health Center of the University of Michigan. Medical workers at the hospital chain Spectrum Health and Michigan Medicine became the first people to be vaccinated in Michigan on December 14. Beaumont Health announced that it vaccinates 1,600 front-line healthcare professionals each time. On the day, all its staff and affiliates are moving to vaccinate. “We are proud to be able to provide vaccination to all Beaumont employees to keep the healthcare system functioning for both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients,” said John Fox, CEO of Beaumont. Said in a statement on Thursday. “Some of our healthcare professionals are at the forefront, others play a very important role in supporting our frontline team,” Fox said. The health system is a vaccine. He hopes to increase the vaccination to 3,000 employees per day. Michigan has not yet been included in Phase 1B, said Wheaton, a state health spokesman. At this time, other essential workers, such as those working in utilities, can be vaccinated with people over the age of 75. “In Phase 1A, hospitals can vaccinate people who need to continue surgery in the hospital,” Wheaton said in a statement from Beaumont. Also on Thursday, UM opened the Michigan Stadium to vaccinate hundreds of Michigan medical professionals and students working in the medical field with the Pfizer vaccine. The UM Health System said in a statement that vaccination was reserved only for the highest priority groups. Michigan medicine has vaccinated nearly 7,000 health workers, the health system said. US Secretary of Health and Welfare Alex Azar said on December 13 that all US nursing home residents could be vaccinated by Christmas holidays. However, the first dose was given to residents of a nursing home in Michigan on Monday through a partnership between CVS and Walgreens’ pharmacy chain. “They should have given it to the residents of the nursing home from day one, from the first few hours,” Die said of the delay in vaccination at the nursing home. “It’s totally unacceptable.” There are hundreds and thousands of nursing home residents who have already died. They really need this. “British Comparison The UK is central to tracking patients. Partly because of its centralized system, Dai said he is beating the United States in the race to vaccinate citizens. Patients waiting to be vaccinated in the United Kingdom (including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) will receive a letter telling them when and where to get the COVID-19 vaccine. According to Dai, the country has a centralized system for immunizing its people. In the United States, each state has its own system for immunization. Healthcare provider electronic medical recording systems are not always able to communicate with each other, and people can go to several places to get vaccinated. As a result, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to track who was vaccinated in real time, Dai said. Troublesome, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have different storage and handling requirements that states need to consider when allocating doses to healthcare providers. The Pfizer vaccine should be kept at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit for long-term storage and should be administered within 5 days of thawing. The Moderna vaccine can handle standard refrigeration. “We don’t have the right kind of system to connect supply and demand,” Dai said. “Currently, each state tells the CDC where to ship the cargo, so we know from which manufacturer / distributor how many doses are expected to arrive.” But what the state doesn’t know is , Who will each dose be given? ” [email protected] Twitter: @kbouffardDN ___ (c) 2020 Detroit News Access Detroit News Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

How to know when state residents get COVID-19 shots


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