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Vulnerabilities associated with high mortality in women awaiting liver transplant: Research-Health


A recent study led by the University of California, San Francisco and Columbia University highlights the role of frailty in the high mortality rate of women awaiting liver transplantation.

It is known that women waiting for a liver transplant in the United States are about one-third more likely to get sick than men and die before surgery or receiving the liver.

The study followed 1,405 patients with cirrhosis (41% of whom were women) awaiting a liver transplant at nine transplant centers in the United States.

Men aged 49 to 63 years were more likely to have chronic hepatitis C and alcoholic liver disease (27% vs. 22, 33% vs. 19%).

Women aged 50 to 63 years were more likely to have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and autoimmune ischemic heart disease (23% vs. 16%, 23% vs. 9%). Lai, MD, and MBA, researchers at the UCSF School of Medicine, led by lead author Jennifer, have similar levels of liver disease severity in both genders, but hypertension and coronary artery disease. I found that few women have it.

Nonetheless, tests using the Liver Frailty Index (LFI) have shown that gender-adjusted grip is weak, unbalanced, and slow to get up from a sitting position.

“This is the first time that vulnerability has been identified and quantified as a risk factor among women with cirrhosis who are waiting for a liver transplant,” Lai said.

“The importance of this finding is that this gender gap provides adequate calorie and protein intake and can potentially be mitigated by early intervention as basic as engaging in regular exercise. Clinicians can advise women on muscle-building diets and exercise interventions, “added Lai. These steps may be useful for women undergoing other organ transplants, as flail can play a role there as well.

The cause of frailty has not been investigated, but Lai said it was generally due to lack of physical activity, chronic liver failure, and a poor diet.

During the course of the study, women had a 36% increased risk of death from the waiting list. This was defined as death or delisting because the disease was too great to be transplanted. After adjusting for LFI scores and other variables, researchers concluded that vulnerabilities accounted for 13% of the gender gap in mortality on the waiting list.

Although this study does not address other factors that compensate for gender differences, the authors found that differences in renal function and a high proportion of male donors who may be incompatible with women due to their short stature. I am paying attention to.

According to Lai, the greatest importance of this study lies in the population level of liver transplant patients in the United States.

“The gender gap in mortality on the waiting list has been around for 15 years across the US liver transplant system and will continue if it isn’t recognized. It’s recognized and can be addressed,” she said. It was.

(This story is published from the news agency feed without changing the text.)

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