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How was society born after the 1918 flu pandemic? And what can we learn about restarting Ohio after the Coronavirus?


Cleveland, Ohio—As Ohio is considering resuming business and everyday life after the Coronavirus crisis, you may be wondering how it handled life after a pandemic a century ago.

Between 1918 Spanish flu pandemicThe city closed churches, schools, dance halls, bowling alleys, pool halls, and cabarets to prevent the spread of deadly diseases.

After three to five weeks, the church and recreation space have almost resumed, but with J. Alexander Navarro, deputy principal of the University of Michigan Center for Medical History, Influenza encyclopedia, A project to study the responses and experiences of 50 cities to the 1918 flu.

And the Americans went out again. No limit. No limit. Chicago was one of the notable exceptions, which stripped regulation by tier. But everywhere else, from Cleveland to Kansas City and from New Orleans to Seattle, people hit the town. Cleveland in particular went downtown to enjoy the theater. They embraced boxing and baseball games, filled all seats, According to the flu encyclopedia.

Add to the festival? The country was reopened in November 1918, before and after the truce, the end of World War I.

Crowds gathered at cinemas, bowling alleys and sporting events to support the end of the war and the end of social isolation. Some seemed to be at home for fear of getting sick, but many Americans wanted to return to normal life.

“These celebrations were not only about restoring normal life on the pandemic, but also on the war.

Perhaps with lessons from the past, a more conservative approach will be taken. During the 1918 flu, Cleveland had the highest mortality rate in the state, at 474 per 100,000. According to the encyclopedia.

After the 1918 flu epidemic, it was not wise to switch on and restart major cities. According to Navarro, the deregulation was premature.

In many cities, a second spike of influenza was seen when the crowds gathered after the initial restrictions were lifted. Many people were still infected with the flu. In these cities, there were still no cases of herd immunity.

“The caveat is that these measures have to be implemented much longer than people think. Even if you think you’re on the other side of the peak, you’re still flattening the curve Only, “said Navarro. Or, there is still a population of people susceptible to this new strain until they get sick, recover, and have a sufficient number of immunized people. “

In some cities, the closures have been implemented again, but not as seriously as limiting the capacity of cinemas to 50%. Ask everyone to wear a mask in public. Prohibits children from going to the movies.

Listening to past warnings today, Ohio, Open slowlyFirst, focus on the business. The hustle and bustle of crowded restaurants and crowded cinemas can be anxious for a long time. Shaking hands can be dangerous.

“We walk slowly from these policies,” said Dr. Amy Acton of the Ohio Department of Health on Wednesday. “I will not return to mass gathering soon.”

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