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Illness X Warning as Doctors Helping Discover Ebola Fear New Deadly Virus-World News

Illness X Warning as Doctors Helping Discover Ebola Fear New Deadly Virus-World News


Doctors who helped detect Ebola warned of a new deadly disease that could spread as quickly as Covid-19, but could be as deadly as the African virus.

Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfum said that humanity faces many unknown threats that can afflict people around the world.

He talked about the emergence of new viruses that could spread rapidly from tropical forests in Africa.

“We are in a world where new pathogens are emerging, and that poses a threat to humanity,” the professor told CNN.

Asked if the new illness could be more apocalyptic than Covid-19, he said: “Yes, yes, I think so.”

His comment came from a woman showing symptoms of hemorrhagic fever in the remote town of Ingende in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, causing fear of a new deadly pathogen on the horizon.

Ebola healthcare professional
“Disease X” can have the same case fatality rate of 50-90 percent as Ebola
(Image: Reuters)

She was tested for several illnesses, including Ebola, all of which were negative.

Therefore, there was a fear that her illness might have been caused by the so-called “illness X”. It is a new “unexpected” pathogen that can spread as quickly as Covid-19, but has a 50-90 percent case fatality rate for Ebola.

“We all have to be scared,” patient doctor Dr. Dadin Boncor told a US news channel. “Ebola was unknown. Covid was unknown. We must be afraid of new illnesses.”

“Illness X” is still a hypothesis, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), scientists and public health experts fear that it can lead to serious illness if it does occur.

Professor Muembe issued more warnings Zoonotic diseasesIn other words, there can be things that jump from animals to humans.

Professor Muembe helped discover Ebola in 1976
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Rachel, a healthcare worker with Ebola
Rachel is a healthcare professional obsessed with the reaction of Ebola and has direct experience in fighting unfamiliar viruses.
(Image: Hugh Kinsella Cunningham / EPA-EFE / REX / Shutterstock)

Covid-19 is one of the diseases believed to have emerged from an unknown reservoir in the animal kingdom (an expression used to indicate the natural host of the virus), for example yellow fever and rabies.

The Covid-19 virus SARS-CoV-2 is thought to have originated from bats in China.

Since yellow fever was first identified as a zoonotic disease in 1901, an additional 200 people have been reported to have been identified.

Zoonotic outbreaks are primarily due to deforestation, which sees the disappearance of natural animal habitats.

This circulates bats, mice, and other insects that act as vectors of the disease, leaving room for increased contact with humans while other animals are being wiped out.

A study by Mark Woolhaus, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, identifies three to four viruses each year, most of which carry animal-to-human transmission.

Scientists also believe that “illness X” may be breeding in animals living in so-called “wet markets,” which see wildlife from the rainforests sold in urban areas. I will.


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