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From “Impotency” to “Microchip”: Dangerous Conspiracy Theory Surrounding Covid-19-World News

From “Impotency” to “Microchip”: Dangerous Conspiracy Theory Surrounding Covid-19-World News


The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic has killed more than 1.83 million people worldwide to date, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, which overwhelms medical facilities around the world. Governments and health officials have worked to contain the virus and slow its spread, but they are also struggling to cover the barbaric and unfounded conspiracy theories. Some social media platforms have scrambled to add labels, warnings, and links to trusted news sources to break the rumors.

Here are some of the unfounded conspiracy theories about Covid-19:


Samajwadi Party leader Ashtosh Singha said his party did not believe in governmental institutions, suggesting that vaccines could be used to control population by incapacitating people. Indian drug controller General (DCGI) VG Somani abandoned the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine on Sunday.

“Vaccines are 100% safe. Some side effects, such as mild fever, pain, and allergies, are common to all vaccines. It’s an absolute waste that people may be helpless,” Somani said. It was reportedly said by the news agency ANI.

5G causes Covid-19

During the first few days of the coronavirus outbreak, an incomprehensible theory of 5G (next-generation wireless network technology) that caused the health crisis pervaded social media platforms. Conspiracy theorists have pointed out that a 5G tower will be installed in Wuhan, China, before the virus outbreaks. The US Federal Communications Commission had to issue a statement to calm the rumors.

“The global online conspiracy theory has attempted to link 5G mobile phone technology as one of the causes of the coronavirus. As a result, many cell towers outside the United States have been set on fire. 5G technology is the coronavirus. Does not cause “.”

Read again | “Shameful”: Health Minister Barudan accuses Achilles Yadaf and Taruru is “suspicious” over the Covid-19 vaccine


A 26-minute video titled “Plandemic” has been uploaded to YouTube claiming that the pandemic is a planned health crisis. In the video, distrusted medical researcher Judy Mikovitz claimed that the face mask “activates his virus” and that the vaccine is “a money-making company that causes medical harm.” The video also suggested that a powerful elite is in a position to contribute to and benefit from the outbreak of the virus.

The video gained millions of views within hours before being removed by YouTube and other social media platforms due to false claims. Since then, some medical professionals have also been willing to dismiss their claims, and numerous fact-checking videos have been uploaded to YouTube to minimize the damage caused by such unfounded theories. I did.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly stated that wearing a mask is an important means of controlling viral infections and saving lives. According to the United Nations Health Agency, masks can be used to protect healthy people or to prevent infection. It advises that masks should be used as part of a comprehensive approach.

Bill Gates and Microchip

According to a Yahoo News / YouGov survey, 28% of adults in the United States believe in conspiracy theories, and Bill Gates, the lead founder of Microsoft Corporation, transplanted microchips using a potential Covid-19 vaccine. ,Man.

In an interview with CNN Town Hall, Gates called it a “bad combination of pandemics and social media,” adding that people are asking for a very brief explanation. In another television interview, Gates said the truth had to be there and the conspiracy theory would disappear as people knew the facts.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has donated millions of dollars to the Covid-19 Vaccine and Treatment Research Program. In February, the Foundation promised to donate $ 100 million to its coronavirus vaccine research and treatment efforts, and a few months later, it promised to donate another $ 1.6 billion to the Gavi Vaccine Alliance.


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