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Many Report Intense Dream During Virus Outbreak | News


What do tsunamis, lethal injections, and thin white worm clumps have in common?

These are all images born of the dreams people have about the coronavirus pandemic.

Many people take them to social media to comment on the phenomenon and report more vivid dreams during self-quarantine. Remember your dreams in recent weeks. Did they look a bit stronger and upset than usual?

“I feel pain in my right shoulder, and I see giant grasshopper-like bugs there. In an ongoing dream survey,” said The Committee of Sleep: How Artists, scientists and athletes, Is used for creative problem solving, and what to do, “said Harvard Medical School’s School of Medicine psychiatry psychologist.

Barrett supports the idea that people remember more vivid dreams while in isolation, and studies the dreams people have about coronavirus pandemics.

Here are the origins of tsunamis, lethal injections, and worm images. They all emerged in the dreams of those who responded to her survey. “I’ve dreamed of many bugs,” says Barrett.

In Barrett’s survey, respondents reported dreams that were clearly linked to the virus—either sick on their own or older parents. Some are more metaphorical, like dreams about insects. And while many are experiencing greater dreams, doctors and nurses may be experiencing this phenomenon more strongly than others. “It’s my informal impression that health care providers have more extreme nightmares,” Barrett said.

But why are people dreaming so sharply during a pandemic?

First of all, Barrett explains that changes in everyday life can stimulate recall of dreams. “As the life of awakening becomes clearer, so does the life of a dream,” agrees psychologist, clinical assistant professor of medicine, and Dr. Rubin Nyman, a sleep and dream expert at the University of Arizona. “My patients come to dream at these times.”

Nyman draws similarities between the gut that determines what food we consume and what we waste, and the brain that also consumes and processes information throughout the day. He says that when observing something normal, our brain does not need to “digest” it. But when something unusual happens, such as in a pandemic, our brain may process the experience through dreams. Nyman explains that dreams can come from “digestible” experiences. “At such times, we’re all summarizing, directly or symbolically, information about threats and transmissions,” he says.

Speaking of symbolism, Barrett is also an artist, inspiring her dreams to create art.

Another main reason we dream like dreams? Many of us sleep more than usual while trapped inside.

“Recall of dreams is highly correlated with sleep time, and most U.S.’s run quite poorly,” Barrett explains. You may be experiencing a more intense dream. Dreams occur during the REM cycle, and the more REM sleep you have at night, the more dreams you typically experience. As the sleep night progresses, the REM cycle gets longer. That’s why we do most of our dreams at 3am late in the night, Nyman says.

It is also possible that people have more dreams about aspects of life that they missed during quarantine. Barrett noticed a similarity between the dream about the pandemic and the dream of a group of British soldiers who were imprisoned in Nazi POW camps during World War II. The soldiers’ dreams included elements of longing for things they couldn’t taste or enjoy while in custody. “They (in a dream) contained more food than any other sample I’ve ever seen,” Barrett explains. She found in a current dream survey that some respondents dreamed about food that could not be quarantined.

So can we learn something from the dreams we experienced during the Coronavirus crisis?

“In some cases, we get a useful and useful idea,” Barrett suggests, but also points out that dreams show the feelings of being suppressed in the awakening life. For those experiencing anxious dreams during quarantine, Barrett argues that “they may be scarier than they think (a coronavirus pandemic).”

Many experts recommend journaling as a way to look back and learn from our dreams. Barrett, a supporter of Dream Journaling, explains: Just look at the other side of yourself. She recommends searching for dream patterns and keeping track of all the themes that come up regularly. Barrett does not make much noise about how people go crazy about dream journals. Some people may enjoy maintaining an old-fashioned dream log, but may find that dictating on a smartphone is easier and less time intensive.

For those who have difficulty recalling dreams, Nyman suggests that “the first step in recalling dreams is to remain in annoyance.” When you wake up, close your eyes and wait for your dream memory to reappear. Next, write down your dream memories. Or, if you feel that drawing is natural, Nyman says. He encourages dreamers to recognize that the world of awakening and the world of dreams are connected.

According to Nyman, discussing your dream with a trusted loved one can be closely tied to dream journaling. “It’s a great opportunity to talk about dreams,” he says, explaining that even nightmares can be a rich source of information about themselves. Nyman hopes that during quarantine, parents and children will have the opportunity to enter into a practice of sharing dreams without sacking or judgment.

He wants to dream and share dreams during the pandemic and to strengthen the importance of dreaming in the general public. “I want to use this experience to remind people of the importance of dreaming,” he says. “Dream is a reflection of healing.”


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