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Matt Hancock is “incredibly worried” about South African coronavirus mutants


There is a current fear Coronavirus Vaccines may need to be modified to work more effectively against new variants of the virus that was first detected in South Africa.

Wales Online Report Health Minister Matt Hancock has expressed serious concern about the new mutations that are currently prevalent in the UK.

As expected, the virus mutates and these subtle changes often have little effect on the effectiveness of the vaccine.

But the new stock has seen many changes that have accelerated the way it spreads.

Hancock told the BBC’s Radio 4 Today program that he was “extremely worried” about the South African variety.

He states: “We have shown that we are ready to act incredibly quickly within 24 hours if we think it is necessary. We are constantly reviewing these things.

“We look at the data every day, and especially in the areas that are still in Tier 3, as I say, there is a significant rise.”

Concerns about mutations in South African strains of the virus
(Image: PA)

He urged people to comply with the restrictions, saying, “Everyone can act as if they have the virus, because that’s the only way to stop the spread of this new variant.”

He added that he was “extremely worried” about the South African variant of the coronavirus.

“This is a very important issue,” he added.

Concerns have been raised that vaccines developed by Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford University / AstraZeneca may not be very effective against new mutants.

The vaccine is believed to be effective against the British variant VUI-202012 / 01, and the number of cases is currently increasing rapidly in metros across the country. Report.

The South African strain, called 501.V2, has already been found in two locations in the United Kingdom and is believed to be even more mutated than Kent.

Mutants have been reported in South Africa and Nigeria, and the P681H strain, which is considered to be more extreme than the British mutant, was detected.

The new mutation is thought to be more contagious than the original strain, but the disease and hospitalization rates appear to be similar.

Sir John Bell, a professor of medicine at Oxford University, said the strain changes were “significant changes in structure.”

Doctor prepares coronavirus vaccine

Talking to Times Radio, he said: “I will be worried a lot about the tensions in South Africa.

“Mutations associated with South African morphology are fairly substantial changes in protein structure.”

He added that structural changes affect the way the virus binds to human cells.

“If you get an immune response that protects you, one way it protects you is to get in the way of that binding event. It binds to that domain to prevent the virus from invading cells. Depends on the antibody to be used.

“I’m having trouble playing with it. The real question is enough vaccines to neutralize the virus, or if mutations are present, will they be ineffective?”

His intuition stated that the vaccine was still effective against Kent strains, but there was a “big question mark” for South African strains.

Despite concerns, Sir John said that fine-tuning of existing vaccines that do not require full regulatory approval is needed-this process could be completed in up to 6 weeks. There is.

“Everyone should stay calm,” he added in an interview with Times Radio. “It will work. We are now in a cat and mouse game. These are not just the two variants we will see.”

He explained that “many varieties” can be seen.

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