SunLive-Health expert on the lookout for new COVID stocks
Public health experts are closely watching the arrival of new highly contagious strains of COVID-19 at New Zealand’s controlled quarantine and quarantine facilities.
So far, 6 Recently Identified British Subspecies -Up to 70% more infectious than previous strains-reported in MIQ..
A new variant known as B117, High fertility -Or R number-leads to increased transmission speed.
The University of Auckland epidemiologist Rod Jackson said that while other strains usually infect a few other strains, the new type means that one person can infect another 3-4 strains. did.
“It just doubles-three to four of them infect another three to four. You can see it move away from you rapidly. That’s what we now see all over the world. It is. “
New variant Not proven to be more deadly More than before, but Professor Jackson says this didn’t mean it wasn’t a threat.
“The more people we get infected, the more people die of serious symptoms and the more likely we are to overwhelm our healthcare services.”
He commends the additional measures taken by the government to stop the virus from the country.
Those arriving from the United Kingdom and the United States from January 15th You must prove that you tested negative within 72 hours before you depart.
All of these returnees must be tested within 24 hours of returning home and quarantined until this test result is available.
However, he says, people from countries with a large community need to undergo a quick inspection at the airport before departure.
Overall, he does not believe that there is a complete pandemic response, but the current process needs to be carried out with new vigilance in the light of new strains.
This includes the entire itinerary, from before someone flies here on a plane to the process in a controlled quarantine.
“We need to make sure we’re going to make it better.”
In particular, he says, the use of the COVID Tracer app needs to be doubled.
Kate Weston, Associate Professional Services Manager at the New Zealand Nurse Organization (NZNO), said the variants arriving in the country are not surprising.
She says the country’s isolated location is an advantage and allows medical services to prepare before tensions emerge here.
Weston states that NZNO is consistently promoting proper PPE availability and reviews are underway to ensure that N95 masks provide protection against new strains.
“We are considering whether it is N95 [masks] Whether it is sufficient or whether more protective ones need to be considered, depending on the infectivity of the new strain of virus. “
Savage, head of the aviation department at Etūunion, understood that this variant was unlikely to be transmitted in new ways.
“That is, border workers and aviation workers need to double their efforts and be especially vigilant that all health and safety systems are protected and that the systems themselves are free of gaps and accidental breaches. about it.”
Health Director Ashley Bloomfield says on Sunday that new types of people are treated the same as people infected with other strains.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said the new strain did not pose an increased risk to the community.
A MIQ spokesperson said that robust processes were implemented to prevent spread (such as the use of strict PPE) and that these controls were constantly being reviewed as more was learned about the virus. I will.
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