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COVID status that may worsen this month


Los Angeles County hospitals are suffering from an increase in COVID-19 cases, but local health officials said Monday that the area is likely to experience the worst of this month’s pandemic. I did.

Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer will discuss with Los Angeles County overseer Hilda Solis and county stakeholders on Monday how local leaders will each discuss the number of incidents and the promotion of “counter-effects” to resume local operations. I issued a warning when I got the chance.

“It’s hard to imagine that we could experience the worst situation we faced across the pandemic in January,” Feller said. “In just over a month, the number of people who tested positive for COVID-19 doubled from 400,000 on November 30 to 800,000 on January 2. 9 by the time we reach it? It took a month and a half. The first 400,000 cases “, but only one case can get another 400,000 cases.

“The expected surge has begun with winter rallies, and tens of thousands of people are paying for the new COVID-19 infection,” Feller added, and as a result the increase in cases is likely to continue in the coming weeks. Said. For holiday parties and returnees.

During the briefing, Solis and other speakers noted that residents are at risk of exposure each time they leave the home because of the high prevalence of community infections. And as hospitals and bodies were overwhelmed and California National Guard arrived on Monday to assist a Los Angeles County medical inspector-Coroner, authorities said so many vaccines, especially local health workers, were promised by the federal government. The government has called on the public to take precautionary measures because it has not received the vaccine.

Feller said the high number of COVID-19 patients in the hospital is painful not only for those who have COVID-19, but for everyone else in the county who needs acute care. I added that there is.

“People who have had a stroke, heart attack, or trauma from a car accident are more difficult to get care of than they were a few months ago,” Feller said on Monday with 77 deaths and 9,142 people. Said after reporting a new case of.

The total death toll in LA County is currently 10,850. “And today’s relatively small number of new cases reflects the closure of many testing sites and delays in reporting during vacations,” Feller said. “This number is very likely to increase in the next few days,” and the region is very likely heading towards a weekly death toll of more than 1,000.

“When the current surge began, the average number of people dying from COVID every day was about 13, and now we consistently average more than 100 deaths per day,” Feller said. Told. “On December 30, the seven-day average of daily deaths was 110.” This is a 700% increase since the surge began.

“Another way to see this is that we’re losing an average of one person here every 15 minutes here in LA County,” Ferrer said. But if everyone plays their part in stopping the surge, this heartache doesn’t have to last.

Feller took personal responsibility for the general public, obeyed the rules, and asked those around him to do the same. Simple measures we take, such as wearing face covers, maintaining distance, avoiding meetings, and using disinfectants, can greatly help reverse these deadly trends.

As of Monday, Santa Monica reported 2,901 cases.

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