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Tuesday update: Boone County reports a potential COVID-19 scam

Tuesday update: Boone County reports a potential COVID-19 scam


The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Service warns residents of potential fraud related to COVID-19.

Authorities reported a scammer who called at least one individual who claimed to be a contact tracer, and said that individual had been exposed to COVID-19 at a local company.

The scammer then asked the potential victim for their credit card number and asked for a three-digit security code. Contact tracers and investigators never ask for credit cards, banking information, or social security numbers.

PHHS contact tracers are trained in HIPPA and other privacy laws. Tracers and investigators ask for demographic information such as race, ethnicity, and age. Information shared with contact tracers and investigators is not shared with others.

The Pettis County Health Center has reported 15 COVID-19-related deaths, for a total of 66.

Authorities say they remember that not all of these deaths happened at the same time. The health center recently received confirmation of death from the state.

The county reported a total of 4,326 cases, an increase of 140 from last Thursday.

The number of active cases has been reduced from 494 to 416.

The number of collections increased by 203 to a total of 3,844.

Pettis County hospitalizations or hospitalizations remain at 10

The Miller County Health Center has also reported one new COVID-19-related death. As a result, the total number of deaths since August 2020 will be 49.

The Health Center reports a decrease in 7 active cases in 59.

In the county, eight cases were reported to have increased to a total of 2,211 cases.

The Health Center reported 14 new recovery, totaling 2,103.

Truman VA gives veterans and employees a second dose of coronavirus vaccine

Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital began giving employees and veterans a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine on Tuesday.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is first given on December 15th and requires a second dose 21 days later.

“We are thrilled to receive additional vaccines so that we can begin to provide higher levels of protection to more veterans,” said Dr. Patricia Hall of FACHE, director of the Truman VA Medical Center. Says. “We are dedicated to ensuring that vaccines are provided to all Veterans who receive the care of the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

Due to the growing supply, Truman VA is now giving more vaccines to veterans and employees.

“From the first day we started vaccination, we started vaccination of high-risk veterans,” Hall said. “Since then, we have continued to vaccinate veterans. At this time, we have contacted the most risky veterans by phone to confirm that they have the opportunity to be vaccinated. It is currently administered by appointment at the COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic here in Truman VA. Please be patient with veterans and wait for a call from Truman VA to schedule a reservation for the COVID-19 vaccine. . “

The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department has reported one new coronavirus-related death.

Authorities say the individual was in a group aged 65-69. A total of 59 people have died since March 18.

The health department reported 109 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday.

The dashboard is currently reporting 718 active cases, an increase of 34 cases from Monday.

The county currently has a reported total of 14,295 COVID-19 cases.

The county reported that the total number of cases excluded from quarantine was 13,518, an increase of 74 from Monday.

The Columbia / Boone County Public Health and Welfare Department dashboard reports the latest five-day average as 92, a decrease of four from the five-day average.

The dashboard reports a positive rate of 36.9% from December 25th to last Thursday.

May be included in the image:
Columbia / Boone County Department of Public Health and Welfare January 5 Dashboard

The Department of Health reports a total of 117 hospitalizations in Boone County.

The number of hospitalized residents in Boon County is reported to be 34.

The dashboard reports 26 COVID-19 patients on the ICU and 10 patients on mechanical ventilation.

The hospital status is still in the “yellow” zone.

Cole County asks residents interested in coronavirus vaccination to respond to an online survey

The Cole County Health Department and local health providers are asking residents to fill out a survey so that they can plan to vaccinate them after Phase 1A.

Phase 1A vaccination involves healthcare professionals who interact directly with the patient.

There is no estimated time frame for the transition between Phase 1A and Phase 1B. Phase 1B is intended for high-risk populations, essential workers, and first responders.

If residents of Cole County are interested in getting the coronavirus vaccine, please visit their website. www.colehealth.orgPlease fill out and submit the COVID Vaccine Survey on the main page.

When this situation changes, the Coal County Health Department will send additional information.

Two-fifths of Missouri’s COVID-19 deaths have been in the last two months

The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that two-fifths of Missouri’s COVID-19 deaths were reported in the last two months of 2020.

According to the State Department of Health, 2,369 deaths were reported in November and December. This is about 41% of the 5,825 deaths from the virus since March.

The death toll on Tuesday increased by 263. This was primarily due to weekly review of death certificates around the state, which found 250 previously unreported virus-related people.

Also on Tuesday, the state reported 2,632 new confirmed cases, for a total of 405,589 since the onset of the pandemic. Hospitalization with the coronavirus remains at a level of concern.

In central Missouri, deaths have tended to increase in the last two months of the year.Most of Boone County 58 deaths from coronavirus Forty-two of them were reported in November and December.

Coronavirus sewage studies show viral load in Missouri

The state publishes information from ongoing studies on the prevalence of new coronaviruses in sewage.

Researchers at the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Department of Natural Resources, and the University of Missouri have been tracking coronavirus in sewage in 59 communities since the summer. They publish their results so far on their website, The Ministry of Health said in a news release on Tuesday.

The study shows that virus levels are high but stable in central Missouri. According to the results, the level is rising at Marshall and falling at Macon. This study examines the amount of viral genetic material that can be detected in wastewater. The more material there is, the more virus is present in the area.

The amount of viral genetic material in sewage peaked in mid-December in Colombia and then declined slightly on 20 December. Data show that the virus surged in Colombia in late August and November. These dates are consistent with the COVID-19 case rate surge reported by local health authorities...

The graph, published on the state’s website, shows Colombia’s coronavirus load from July to late December.

Data show that viral load surged in Jefferson City in mid-October and late November-early December.

The coronavirus is loaded into Jefferson City.

In some cities in the region, viral load increased significantly this fall, according to researchers. In Fulton, loads peaked in late October and early November before they plummeted. The amount of virus increased sharply in Mexico in late November and has declined slightly since then.

Viral load in Mexico, Missouri.

According to the Ministry of Health, this study can show researchers who are capable of a rapid increase in cases a few days before the cases appear in a positive test result. Researchers say people with both symptomatic and asymptomatic coronaviruses shed the virus in wastewater.

Columbia / Boone County Health Department revise new COVID-19 cases slightly lower

The Columbia / Boone County Health Department revised the new COVID-19 case reported on Monday slightly lower on Tuesday morning.

According to a tweet sent at 9:12 am, 86 cases were reported the day before, three less than the first tweet. ABC 17 News reported the correct number of cases on Monday.

According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of cases of COVID-19 was 14,186 and the number of active cases was 684. This is the lowest number of active cases since early November.

Missouri reports more than 250 COVID-19 deaths

The Missouri State Department of Health reported hundreds more COVID-19 deaths on Tuesday.

The· Department Coronavirus Dashboard He said the total number of deaths since the pandemic began was 5,825, an increase of 263 from the previous day.

Health officials said in an email early Tuesday morning that the 250 deaths were due to a weekly death certificate check in the department. The email stated that some died in August and October. This includes 54 deaths in November and 193 in December.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, the rate of virus-related deaths in Audrain and Miller counties was the highest in central Missouri since the pandemic began. According to the dashboard, Audrain ranks 12th in the state, killing 161 coronaviruses per 100,000 inhabitants. Miller is in 13th place, killing 160 people of the same population size.

Missouri has reported 2,632 new cases of coronavirus since the last dashboard update. With additional cases, the total pandemic can be up to 405,589.

The state’s 7-day positive rate was slightly lower than the previous day at 19.4%, down 0.1%.

State hospital officials said 2,657 were hospitalized with COVID-19 and 612 were in the ICU bed due to the coronavirus on Saturday-latest data available.

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