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Vaccination once every 25 went to a nursing home in Colorado

Vaccination once every 25 went to a nursing home in Colorado


Denver (KDVR) —Selected as one of Colorado’s top priority groups for vaccination, but family dissatisfaction boiled as some older people in long-term care facilities were in the dark I am.

“We were hoping for the Governor’s promise that parents and all other residents in nursing homes, nursing homes, and life support facilities would be vaccinated first,” said Sarah Spaulding. I did. “And that’s not happening.”

Spalding’s parents, Janet and Warren, are both over 90 and live in Golden’s Golden Lodge Assisted Living and Memory Care.

The Assisted Living facility says it is supposed to partner with CVS for vaccination, but the pharmacy is not radio-sealed.

“I was talking to our (CVS) representative about three weeks ago, but now he doesn’t send emails or answer calls,” said Heather Bunch, executive director of the lodge. .. “There are 20 calls a day from family, their loved ones, inhabitants asking, incoming sellers, our pharmacy, our hospice, the health of our homes, they all ask, and That’s the same answer: “I’m trying.”

Vaccinations for all care facilities are carried out through a federal pharmacy partnership operated through the federal government. Each time Colorado received a vaccine assignment, the federal government allocated a portion to CVS and Walgreens to manage long-term care facilities in the state.

So far, Colorado has received 120,510 doses in the state since it first shipped on December 14.

As of Tuesday night, CVS and Walgreens have only vaccinated a total of 4,649 residents or nursing home staff.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment states that the facility has 72 hours to report doses to the state, so if there is a delay in reporting, the actual number may be higher.

“Why isn’t this a priority?” Spaulding said. “Why do my sister and I have to ask these questions to those who should take care of the most vulnerable? Are they not?”

A CDPHE spokesperson said the state started its long-term care program as soon as possible, as the first shipment to the pharmacy arrived in the week of December 21st. CVS and Walgreens began vaccination on December 28th.

Throughout the pandemic, there were 280 outbreaks in supported independent living facilities, accounting for 10% of all state outbreaks.

The long-term care facility program is implemented in two parts: a skilled care facility and a life support facility combined with other qualified facilities.

A spokesman for Governor Jared Polis says 220 of the 223 skilled nursing facilities are scheduled for clinics. However, of the other 916 facilities, only 335 are planned, leaving 581 uncertain when to vaccinate residents and employees.

These clinics are held in three waves of first, second and third opportunities to keep residents and employees from missing shots. To date, 58 first-dose clinics have been completed in a skilled nursing facility.

A CVS spokesperson said it has partnered with 382 skilled nursing and supportive living facilities in Colorado, accounting for approximately 58,874 patients and staff.

A Walgreens spokeswoman said it cannot provide state-specific information or numbers at this time. Walgreens covers more than 700 facilities, according to sources familiar with these conversations.

A spokesperson for the governor’s office says Walgreens estimates that the first dosing clinic will take place by January 11. It is working on a specific schedule for CVS.

A CVS spokesman says the entire operation will not take place for about 12 weeks.

A spokesperson for the police office issued the following statement:

“The federal government is in control of this program, and Governor Police has made it very clear to CVS and Walgreens that they need to act swiftly to manage this life-saving and crisis-ending vaccine. No time to waste. ”

“It seemed like there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and sniffing it was, in essence, really hard. Oh yeah, it’s hard not to be emotional,” Spalding said. .. “Mom is ready for the shot.”


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