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When the brain injury itself heals, unwanted tumors can develop, new studies have been found

When the brain injury itself heals, unwanted tumors can develop, new studies have been found


Researchers have found that the healing process that follows brain damage, from trauma to infection and stroke, can spur tumor growth. “Our data suggest that changes in the correct mutations in certain cells in the brain can be altered by injury to cause tumors,” said Peter Darks, a professor at the University of Toronto. Stated.

The findings, published in the journal Nature Cancer, may lead to new treatments for patients with glioblastoma who have a life expectancy of 15 months after diagnosis and currently have limited treatment options, researchers say. Stated. “Glioblastoma can be thought of as an unstoppable wound,” Dirks said.

“I’m excited that this teaches us how cancer develops and grows, and it opens up a whole new idea of ​​treatment by focusing on injury and inflammatory responses,” he adds. It was. Researchers have applied the latest single-cell RNA sequencing and machine learning (ML) technology to map the molecular structure of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). This has previously shown that the Dirks team is responsible for the development and recurrence of tumors after treatment.

They have discovered a new subpopulation of GSC that has the molecular characteristics of inflammation and is mixed with other cancer stem cells in the patient’s tumor. When normal tissue is in the process of healing, some glioblastomas begin to form, producing new cells that replace the cells lost due to damage and derailing by mutation years before the patient becomes symptomatic. It suggests that, Darks said.

Studies show that when mutant cells are involved in wound healing, they can’t stop growth because they break normal controls and promote tumor growth. The team collected GSCs from the tumors of 26 patients and expanded them in the lab to obtain a sufficient number of rare cells for analysis. An effort led by Laura Richards, a graduate student in Pew’s lab, analyzed about 70,000 cells with a single-cell RNA sequence that detects which genes are turned on in individual cells.

The data confirmed widespread disease heterogeneity. That is, each tumor contains multiple subpopulations of cancer stem cells that are molecularly different, and existing treatments cannot wipe out all the different subclones, which can lead to recurrence.

A closer look reveals that each tumor has one or a gradient between two different molecular states called “development” and “damage reaction”.

According to researchers, developmental status is characteristic of glioblastoma stem cells, similar to the status of rapidly dividing stem cells in the prenatal brain.

But the second condition was a surprise. Researchers have named it the “injury response” because it showed an immune pathway that indicates the wound healing process and upregulation of inflammatory markers such as interferon and TNFα.


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